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            At Conrad High, you were either in the "in crowd" or "nothing."  Everyone knows it.  That's why they crave the popular life, so they can have it all.  Is being popular all that it's cracked up to be, though?  The kids who aren't on the popular list think so. 

            The so called nerds, band kids, weirdos, and all the other groups that don't consist of the jocks and pretty rich people, want it so bad.  In fact, they would do anything to be popular.  The popular kids also get the special treatment.  No one messes with them.  They can do whatever they want.  They can go to parties and get in trouble and not a thing will happen to them, all because they are rich, athletic, and/or good looking.

Ashley's P.O.V.

            I wake up to the loud beeping of my alarm clock.  Ugh!  I reach my hand out from underneath the covers to turn the alarm off.  My hand searches and searches, but it finds nothing. 

            Where is the button?  I just want to go back to sleep!

            My hand continues to blindly search for the button to turn the alarm off.  My hand finally finds it and presses it.

            Finally!!  Some peace and quiet!!

            Sighing, I snuggle back under the covers.  I toss and turn a little bit to get comfortable again.  After finally managing to get comfortable and closing my eyes, I hear my mom calling up the stairs for me to get up. 

            No!!  I don't want to go to school!

            I let out a small muffled scream into my pillow.  Normally I wouldn't mind going to school, but ever since I found out that I have no real friends, it's become a nightmare for me.  Yeah, my "friends" act all nice to me and everything, but I know the truth.  It's such a pity that it took me so long to realize it. 

           Not only have I realized this about my so called friends, but everyone else in school seems to dislike me because I'm so popular and they think I'm a witch.  My boyfriend, the captain of the lacrosse team, doesn't actually care about me either.  It's so frustrating.  I've went to the Conrad area schools since Kindergarten.  All these people I grew up with and thought I knew. 

            Now I've realized that they aren't on my side, I'm just another pretty shallow face out there to everyone who isn't popular.  To all my popular friends, well, they think I'm just an accessory.  They just keep me around so it looks like they have a lot of friends.  In a way, I'm glad to know they were never my friends, but yet at the same time I'm sad.  I'm mad too.  My "friends" just use me, and all the other kids at school judge me.

            How could I be so naive?  How didn't I realize this before?  Either I'm incredibly stupid or I'm just really unobservant.  Maybe it's both.

            Now I'm faced with the decision of what to do.  Do I confront them or do I just leave it go and act like I don't know anything?  All I do know is that I'm mad, very mad.  I don't like to be played when it comes to dating, and I definitely don't like to be played in friendships. 

~Author's Note

Ok, so this was just a little intro into my new story.  I have two other stories besides this one.  I know there isn't much in the prologue, but that's why it's a prologue, right?  Ehh..maybe I'm wrong.  Anyway, thanks for reading!  Hope you like it!  Love ya!

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