6. Ignorance Is Bliss

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Ashley's P.O.V.

            Ha!  Luke finally got what he deserved!  Grounded until graduation!  Ooh, that's so funny!  Ok, I'm normally not this mean, but we're talking about Luke here.  The boy who cheated on me and used me.  In fact, I just heard him admit it!  Yeah, he made have saved me earlier, but it was probably only for his own personal gain.  And then that kiss?  Gross! 

            For the rest of the day I hang out with Luke's sister, Riley.  She's actually pretty cool for a freshman.  No offense to them, but most of the freshmen I've met are obsessed with popularity and gossip.  Oh great, now I sound like a hypocrite!  Ok, so I used to be like that.  Sort of.  Now everything has changed.  I don't seem to have any friends, except maybe for Riley.  Right now she's probably the only person who I can count on and Luke..  I have no idea what to think of him except that he's a jerk.  I am at least surprised and shocked to hear that the female voice was Riley's and not some random victim of Luke's. 

            I'm sitting next to Riley on her bed and we're talking about all kinds of things. 

            "You know, Luke has been acting really weird around you lately.."

            "So?  Luke is just flat out strange."

            "Haha true, but stranger than usual.  Maybe he's afraid of you now because he knows you've got power."

            "Huh?  I'm going to be thrown off my throne tomorrow at school.  How do I have power?"

            Riley sighs.  "Ah, tomorrow.  Look don't worry about it.  They can't be that bad, right?  I mean, sure they seem quite evil, but..  I don't know, I'm sure they have a heart and a soul."  I shake my head.  "Even if they don't, you know, not everyone in school will hate you.  There's plenty of people at school who dislike the populars.  Oh, and to answer you're question, you have power with my parents."

            "But I WAS a popular.  They're going to hate me and treat me like crap like I used to treat them.  It's karma.  I know it!  I don't even see why you like me?  And you would you're parents even trust me?"

            "They won't treat you like crap.  They know that I'm Luke's little sister and treat me just fine.  Why do I like you?  Cause I can tell deep down that you aren't like them.  I always could, and now I know it for sure.  They'll see it too.  As far as my parents, well..  Luke has lied to them a bunch of times and has gotten caught for it so they'll pretty much believe everyone except for him."

            I nod.  "It's just...  You're different though.  You've never been miss popularity who pushed people around.  You've always made it clear that you were against all of the things that Luke does.  Ashley, don't worry.  If things don't work out right away, they will in time.  You just got to show them that you're sorry for being under the influence of the populars and that you really have changed."

            "If you say so."  I check the clock.  "I should probably get going."

            "You sure?  How's your head?"

            "Yeah, I'm sure.  My heads fine too."

            I get up and leave her room with Riley following me.  Mr. and Mrs. Thomas offer to drive me home, but I tell them I want to walk home.  After a few minutes of insisting they finally let me go and I'm on my way.



            When I get home I eat supper with mom and dad just like usual and then go upstairs to take a shower and wash off the cooties from Luke.  Ok, so cooties probably isn't the right word.  More like germs or dirt.  Who knows where Luke's mouth has been?  I shiver and take my shower. 

            It's a wonder how my parents never noticed all the brusies on my arms and legs.  My parents aren't really that observant, though.  My whole body aches like crazy!  Was it really necessary to beat me up? 

            I walk into my room and lay down on my bed ready for sleep to consume me.  It's been a long day and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.  You know the saying "Ignorance is bliss?"  Well, I'd have to say I agree.  Back when I was still supposed friends with the populars I was happy, but I didn't know what was really going on.  It's amazing how big changes can occur in such a short period of time.

            If you would of told me a week ago that I'd end up being beaten and hated by the people I used to call my friends, I wouldn't have believed you.  I'd been too worried about something else that's completely stupid and not even worth my time thinking about.

            I can only imagine what will happen to me tomorrow.  Glares from everyone at school?  People not even looking at me?  Hatred?  I bet I'll experience it all.  All because ignorance is bliss.  Too bad I didn't realize the harm I was causing when I was under the impression that I was happy. 

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