2. It's Over

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Ashley's P.O.V.

             "Hey Ash, how you've been?" Ashton asks as he wraps his arm around me.

            "Good, I guess.  How about you?"

            "Good.  We have our lacrosse game today.  You're coming, right?"

            "Umm.."  I need to come up with an excuse..  "I don't think I can.  I have a doctor's appointment."

            "Oh..ok.  I'll miss you."

            I smile and walk with them into the school.  My locker is right near all my "friends" and so we hang out and talk, but I'm not really paying attention to the chatter.  I watch as the boy next door walks in and is carrying way more books than he can handle. 

            All my "friends" are laughing at him for being such a nerd.  Normally, I would be making fun of him too, but I realize since I'm not really in any group, I don't have to be mean like them.  Come to think of it, that's the only reason why I was ever mean to the unpopular kids.  Because my "friends" were. 

            "Hey!  Could you use a little bit of help?"  Ashton smirks.

            "Oh, yeah.  That would be nice!"  the boy says.

            Oh, no.  Wrong answer.  Ashton walks over to help the boy, but instead he purposely pushes them out of my neighbor's arms.  What a jerk!  There are about five huge books that tumble to the ground.  None of the boy's friends are there to stick up for him. 

            He frowns and bends down to pick them up while my "friends" snicker and laugh their heads off.  The boy grabs his books and walks away.  Aww..I feel bad.  Wait, I never feel bad about those kinds of things!  What's happening to me?  Am I really changing into a good person just because I realize that my "friends" are absolute jerks?

            I go through the rest of the day thinking about when to end our "friendship."  I would end it at lunch, but everyone will be there and it will make me seem like the jerk. 


            Everyone is heading for their buses or getting in their cars except for my "friends" and me.  We always hang out together after school in the school's student parking lot.  Now would be a good time to end this, but casually.  I have to be careful about how I handle this.

            "Hey, guys.  What was up with treating that kid earlier in the halls like crap?"

            They all turn and give me weird looks.

            "Come on.  He's a nerd.  He's beneath us.  It's our job to show our superiority, and to keep them in line...  Are you feeling ok?  You've been acting all weird today, hun," Ashton says looking at me.

            What a fake.  He cheats on me and still thinks he can call me his "hun."  Well, not happening bucko! 

            "I'm fine.  Just a lot of things going on lately."  I wait, no one says anything.  Of course they don't care to hear about my problems.  "Anyway, I thought we have a pact to not mess with anyone who doesn't mess with us."

            They all laugh.

            Luke snickers, "Wow Ashley.  Are you sure you're ok?  That was a joke remember?  It was all for fun to make them think that they were safe from being picked on.  We were never going to actually follow it."

            "Haha.  Yeah.  Why would we do that?  It's way too much fun picking on the shark meat!"  David exclaims.

            I stare at them all.  When did we decide it was just a joke?  I don't recall hearing about that, oh wait, no one told me! 

            "Well, maybe now we should use it.  It's our last year of high school.  Why not a little change?"

            Brenda, Jessica, and Vanessa all stare at me blankly while the guys laugh. 

            Ashton laughs, "Ahh.. Ashley you're killing me today!"

            "Guys, I don't think she's kidding,"  Vanessa says seriously. 

            "Huh?" Brenda asks.

            Jessica just stares silently.

            "Of course she is!" Ashton explains laughing like an idiot. 

            "Yeah, she is.  What's up with you Ashley?  Feeling pity for the nerds are we?"  Vanessa asks.

            "Maybe I am.  I could probably at least get them to like me."  That's when it all boils up inside me and I can't hold it out.  "You know, you guys ACT like my "friends" but I know you're not.  I know when I'm not around you all talk trash on me.  You're all a bunch of petty jerks who only care about yourselves.  You probably don't even like each other.  I don't know why you chose me to single out.  I've been nothing, but a good friend to all of you!"

            "Jeesh.  Calm down, hun.  What are you talking about?"  Ashton asks while everyone just looks shocked.

            "I don't want to hear it from you!  I'm not your "hun" either!  We're over!  I know you've cheated on me with how many different girls!  I'm not that stupid!"

            I spin around and turn on the rest of them.  Luke, David, Vanessa, Brenda, and Jessica stare at me, puzzled.  "As for the rest of you, we aren't friends anymore!  We actually never were friends!  You guys say we're all tight and crap, but then you go and talk behind my back to each other!  I'm sick of it!" 

            Now I turn so I can face Ashton too.  "This so called friendship is over!  And you know what?  I know all about each and every one of your dirty little secrets!  I'm going to tell them to everyone else too!  Soon the whole school will know about you're secrets.  I'll team up with them to take you down too!  Scared?  Well you should be!"

            I make an abrupt turn and move quickly to my car because I can tell they're all mad.  Not because they lost me as their friend though.  Because I have the power to make them go from popular status to nothing.  You see, the student body decides who is popular at our school.  If they find that the popular people are actually being jerks to them when they think they're just messing around, they'll all be done for. 

            That's the problem at our school.  The popular people are chosen because they make everyone who isn't a nerd, goth, or weirdo feel good because they talk and associate.  How do they do this, though?  They act all nice and buddy buddy with them.  The things is, those normal kids don't know that the popular kids are just messing around with them and only talk to them so they'll stay popular.  What do you know?  I'm not the only person being used.   

            When these normal kids find out that the most popular girl in school ditch the other popular kids because their such jerks, Vanessa, Jessica, Brenda, Ashton, Luke, and David will all lose their popularity.  Maybe our school will finally get some new popular kids that are actually nice.  And hopefully I'll find some new friends that'll like me.

            Right before I get to my car, someone grabs my wrist hard and I turn around to face my "ex-friends."  Uh-oh...

 Author's Note

*Gasp*  Oh no!  What happens to Ashley???  Guess you'll have to wait to find out!  Thanks for reading!! :)

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