10. Switching Sides

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Luke's P.O.V.

            I got a text from Brenda telling me what she was up to.  She's going to wait until Ashley gets in the shower and then steal all her belongings and leave Ashley with just a towel.  After she does that, she's going to write all over Ashley's car.  I know she says it's all her, but I know everyone else is helping except for me.  When she asked if I would help, I told her I couldn't because I had to do something, but wished I'd be there for that. 

            I can't let them know that I don't want to be on their side anymore.  I actually want to join Ashley's.  Everyone has been acting really mean and crazy lately.  I mean, taking someone's stuff and then trashing their car isn't some small prank. 

            After hearing Brenda's plans, I immediately drive back to the school to be there for Ashley.  I know she'll be ticked when she finds out what happened.  Normally Ashley is pretty good tempered, but when there is injustice like this, she'll go at it. 

            I arrive at the school a few minutes before I see Ashley come fuming out of the back door.  As soon as she sees her car she gets even more mad.  I don't blame her.  Her car is brand new and when her parents find out - well, let's just say they won't be happy.

            Quickly and quietly, I get out of my car and run up behind her.  I don't know if the guys are still lurking around and they might try to hurt her again.

            I wrap my arms around her small waist as she starts to struggle.  I don't let go for a while and she finally looks up to see who I am.

            As soon as she sees me, she starts to yell insults.  I quickly cover her mouth with my hand, which she licks and then gets free.  I quickly catch up to her and gently sweep her off her feet, almost forgetting that she's only wearing a towel.

            She squirms and struggles, flailing his arms and legs all around like a crazy person.  Since she can't get home using her car, I guess I'll have to take her home.  I carry her over to my car with her still throwing her tantrum. 

            I get to the car and sit her in the passenger seat and she immediately tries to get away.  I have to grab her and hold her down so she won't get up.

            "Ashley, knock it off.  I'm trying to help you!"

            "No, you're not!  You're just like the rest of them!"

            I shake my head at her.  "I'm on you're side, but I'm on their side when we're in public."

            She looks at me carefully, reading the expression on my face.  I guess she still doesn't believe me.


            "Because if we both tick them off, then we both go down.  If they still think that I'm loyal to them, they won't come after me and I can help you out.  You know, tell you what they're up to and stuff."

            "And I should believe you, why?"

            "Because I'm telling the truth."

            "Well, there's a first."

            "Ashley, didn't we already go over this?  I'm sorry I lied and cheated on you.  I really am.  Why can't you believe me?"

            "Sounds like all the other times you said something to me and it was a lie."

            Ugh!  She drives me nuts sometimes. 

            "Look, just let me take you back to your house."


            I let go of her and make sure she's not going to make a run for it.  I then get in the driver's seat and drive her back home.  The car ride was silent, but I didn't really mind.  I know she wants to ask me something, but she hasn't quite built up the nerve yet.

            I pull into her driveway.  She goes to get out, but I grab her arm and for some unknown reason, I kiss her again.  Whoops.  There I go again!  My lips cause me so much trouble!  I can't seem to resist kissing Ashley.

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