11. Stuck with Luke

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Ashley's P.O.V.

            Luke just kissed me!  Again!  Gosh that boy can't keep his lips to himself!  What's his problem lately?  Can't he accept that I don't want him all over me?  He thinks that I'm just going to magically jump right back into his arms?  Well if that's what he thinks, he better think again!

            I hold my towel as closely to me as I can while pulling away from Luke.  He hesitantly lets me go and attempts to grin, but all I see is a guilty face that is begging for me not to slap him across the face.

            "Bye!  See you tomorrow!"

            I decide not to reply, verbally at least.  He doesn't deserve my attention.

            In response to him, I slam the door shut and stomp up until I reach my front porch.  Shoot!  I don't have my keys!  I hope someone is home to let me in!

            I ring the doorbell and wait for a couple of seconds.  No answer.  I ring it again.  Still nothing.  Ugh!  Luke seems to notice I'm having trouble and gets out of his car.

            "Is there a problem?"

I turn to look at him.  I snarl, "What do YOU think is the problem?"

            He holds up his hands as a sign of surrender.  "Sorry.  I guess that was a stupid question."  I give him a "duh" look.  "Ok, in a bit of a bad mood much?"  I glare at him.  "Ok. So... you can't get in your house.  You can come back with me to my house..  Actually it's basically you're only option."

            "And why would I want to do that?"

            "Because it beats standing out here waiting for your parents to get home."

            I hold my lower arms out while pinning my elbows to my sides to keep the towel in place, and pretend to weigh invisible things.  "Hmm..  Yeah, I think staying here would be better."

            He stares at me in shock.  "But- but" he starts to pout.  "Aw, come on, Ashley!"


            "Please.  Pretty please."

            "Why do you care?" I snap at him.

            "Because I'm a nice person."

            "Psh.  And I'm a witch!"

            "That's debatable."

            I stomp right up to him and get ready to slap him across the face.  He holds up his hands to protect his face.  "Ok ok!  I'm sorry!  I didn't mean it!  I was only joking!"

             "Sure you were."

            "I was.  Look Ashley, I know you're really upset and all, but you should let me help you."

            I roll my eyes.  "Fine, but if you make one inappropriate move or gesture I will never talk to you again."

            "Ok, I'll be good."

            "Hmm..  Good and Luke Thomas don't go together.."

            Luke laughs.  "Well, the changed Luke does."

            "The changed Luke?"

            "Yep..  I've changed.  Well, I'm working on changing just like you."


            "You may not see it, but I know it's happening.  Ever since we quit being friends with the jerks we're becoming better people."

            "Whatever, Luke."

            "Well, I guess we should be getting to my house unless you just want to stand around in a towel all day.  I'm perfectly ok with that," he grins at me and I smack his arm.

            "What did I tell you?"

            "Oh, right.  I forgot."

            "Of course you did.  You were never good at paying attention.  Still aren't."

            "Oh, and you are?"

            "Better than you."

             "Just get in the car."

            He walks over to the passenger's door and opens it for me.  "Luke Thomas a gentleman?  Gosh what's become of this world?"

            "Haha.  You're so funny!"

            "I know.  I should be a comedian when I'm older!"

            "Someone's mood has gone from sour to happy."

            "Yeah, but only because you're face makes me laugh."

            "Is that an ugly joke?"

            "How'd you know?"

            He rolls his eyes.  "Are you getting in the car yet?"

            "Ok, fine."  I get into the car and he closes the door after I get in.

             Luke reaches his arm over towards the radio in his car.  I eye his arm carefully making sure his arm isn't coming anywhere near me.  He changes the channel and Emotion by Breathe Electric comes on.

            He starts the car and we are on our way to the Thomas house.  I'm sitting in the passenger seat trying to hold back the urge to dance.  I love this song!  We stop at a red light and Luke starts drumming along on the steering wheel perfectly in time with the beat.

            The urge is getting stronger and stronger now.  I finally decide that I don't care what Luke thinks.  I start throwing my arms in the air and singing along.  So what if I can't sing or dance that well?  That's Luke's problem!

            To my surprise, he gives me a weird look, shrugs, and starts dancing and singing along with me.  We're both singing and enjoying ourselves that we get to Luke's house in what feels like no time.  We get to his house and I can't help but think, "Huh.  I haven't had that much fun with anyone in a while."  Not to say that Luke is a fun person...  Cause he isn't, he's just annoying.

 Comments?  Anything?  If not, I might just take a break from this story for a little while and try and brainstorm..  Thanks for reading!

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