5. Punishment

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Luke's P.O.V.

            Kissing Ashley felt amazing!  Before, when we were dating, it was just like any other girl.  There was only the thrill of a girl wanting to kiss me and be with me.  Now...  I don't know, actually.  It's hard to explain.  I guess the best way to put it is that it feels right.  It's more than that old stuff.  The kiss felt like it actually meant something to me this time. 

            Suddenly, I hear a noise like a door opening, but I'm too engrossed in the kiss with Ashley that I don't notice that it was in fact a door opening.  I feel like someone or someones are burning a hole straight through my head, so I stop kissing her and turn around.  Oh crap!  It's my mom, sister, and dad.  I'm toast!  I quickly jump off of Ashley and try to look innocent. 

            It doesn't look like it's working on anyone.  I lower my head and pretend to be fascinated by the carpet in my bedroom. 

            "Luke Allen Thomas!!"  my dad shouts. 

            I look up and meet my dad's stare.  I can tell he's really ticked at me.  My mom looks mad too.  I take in my sister's expression.  Hmm...  I'm not sure what the expression on her face is.  Embarrassment?  Shame?  Probably both.

            My little sister, Riley, has seen me with a lot of girls and has caught me kissing them and also more than kissing.   That's probably why we don't get along so well.  She's always telling me that I treat girls like tissues and how one day I reach into the tissue box (our school), pull a tissue out (flirt around with some girl and get her to date me), use the tissue (hook up), throw the tissue away (break-up with her), and then repeat the cycle. 

            I guess that's why she's always so embarrassed to have me as her brother, because I date a girl, and then break her heart later, and then she thinks bad things about Riley.  I don't see why Riley gets so worked up about it.  It's not like I'm encouraging my ex-girlfriends to go hate my little sister or something.  Jeesh.  Being a guy is tough. 

            You know why else Riley and I fight?  It's because she picks the crappiest guys to date.  Whenever she would bring them home to meet our family or I run into them at school, she always got mad at me for being mean to hear boyfriends.  She's my little sister what am I suppose to do?  Let guys stomp all over her?  She's also a freshmen too, so all the guys think she's a complete pushover.  They use her all the time I hate to see it happen.  I'm the only person who can be mean to Riley.

            My dad walks out of the doorway and downstairs still looking very upset with me.  Riley grabs my arm and pulls me downstairs too while my mom goes to talk to Ashley. 

            Riley and I go downstairs and then she leaves me alone to talk with our dad. 

            "What do you think you're doing, Luke?" 

            "I-I was..."

            "You were what?" he snaps at me.

            "Being friendly?"

            "You call that friendly?  You were all over her when she clearly didn't want you to be!"

            I frown and hang my head.  The best thing to do when my dad is mad is to just let him talk and listen to what he has to say.

            "You know..  When you brought her home I was actually really surprised.  I thought maybe you would change for her.  But no.  I guess not.  I don't know where you get this behavior from!  And then.....  What actually happened to her, anyway?  I never got the chance to ask you."

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