3. Getting Revenge

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Ashton's P.O.V.

            She's dumping me?  SHE'S dumping ME?!  This isn't happening!  I don't get dumped!  Never!  I am the one who dumps girls!  Ugh!  How did she find out anyway?  I thought she wasn't smart enough to recognize our false friendship with her. 

            I only really went out with her because she's pretty and she boosted my popularity.  I'm not losing my status as the most popular guy in school!  I've put up with her for too long!  She isn't even any fun.  I want to do more than just kiss, but she refuses.  What a loser!  I swear, Ashley will pay!

Luke's P.O.V. 

            Wow.  Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!  Anyway, I'm surprised she actually found out that we don't like her.  Took it her long enough.  I remember dating her.  It was complete torture!  All she allows for is cuddling and kissing.  What about when I want more? 

            Well, she didn't care!  As far as I'm concerned, she's gets what she deserves.  It was hard enough staying friends with her after we broke up.  She dumped me.  I remember it very well, like it was only a few hours ago.  She said I was cheating on her, which I was.  I just didn't admit that to her.  It's not like she ever gave me a reason not to cheat on her.

David's P.O.V.

            She finally figured it out.  Bravo Ashley!  I've never really cared for her.  Back when we dated I asked her out because I was desperate to find a girlfriend.  Yeah, I hate to admit that I was desperate, but at least I'm honest about it.  What was dating her like?  Boring!  We were like some elderly couple who just yells at each other all the time.  That's how bad it was. 

            It's amazing to me that she has had as many boyfriends as she has.  And now we are friends.  Correction were friends.  Well, we were fake friends.  Come to think of it, there isn't anything really special about her, so she's kind of like an average.  The nickname we have for most of the student body who aren't nerds or popular.

Vanessa's P.O.V.

            I knew it!  I knew she would find out!  Everyone else was too preoccupied or not intelligent enough to pick up on the fact that she would figure it out.  Now who knows what will happen?  I've wasted so much time hanging out with her, and if I lose my popularity...  Oh well, I'm going to make her wish she was never born! 

Brenda's P.O.V.

            Crap!  How did she figure it out?  Well I guess it doesn't matter now.  We should have to figure out away to shut her up.  Ooh!  This could be fun!  I just love watching people suffer and beg for mercy while on their knees!  It keeps people in line.  They need to know where they stand, at the bottom.  At least now I can take her place and in doing so, Ashton will be all mine.

Jessica's P.O.V.

            So, she figured it out, big whoop.  Should we give her a lollipop or something?  I don't see why everyone's making such a big deal about it.  Yeah she said she knows our secrets, but I bet it's just some open threats so she feels like she's in control.  As if that would ever happen.  Yeah, we let her be the most popular girl for a while, but only while it was convenient for us. 

            In a few weeks, Brenda would have taken over and be dating Ashton, anyway.  It's just how it works.  I think I should be in her place.  When it comes to the guys, Ashton is always first, David is second, and Luke is third.  For the girls, it used to be Ashley was always first, sort of.  Now Brenda will be Queen Bee, Vanessa will be second, and I'll be stuck as third.  Why am I always last?  One day I'll show them..  One day...

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