16. Becoming Friends

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Luke's P.O.V.

            My heart sinks.  She might like someone else?  Who could it be?  Oh, wait, I bet it's that Seth kid.  I guess I should have saw this coming, since I treated her like crap a lot of the time. 

            "Is it one of those guys that you hang out with?"

            "Their names are Alex, Cody, and Seth.  And maybe, maybe not."

            "It's Seth, isn't it?"

           "I don't know... maybe.  I think I might be starting to like him."

            "Oh, well, I'm happy for you."

            "Thanks...So, can we talk about something else?  This is getting kind of awkward."

            "Yeah, we can.  So, um... you've changed quite a bit, right?  I like that about you..."

            "I guess I've changed quite a bit since I left you guys, but I'm still me.  I realized that a lot of the stuff we used to do wasn't right.  All those times we treated people poorly because we thought they were beneath us, we were wrong.  It's like I got my own mind and brain back now that I don't hang out with you guys, so yeah, I guess I have.  You like the change?  Me too.  Aren't you trying to change as well?"

            "Yeah, I am, actually.  You seem so much freer now that you left Ashton and them and I want that too.  Plus, I've realized that you're right.  We were pretty horrible to people and I don't want to be like that anymore.  It's taken me a long to time to realize that, so I'm guessing it will take me a long time to change myself, but I bet it's worth it."

            "Yeah, I feel like it will be too.  Life is better this way, well, except for being picked on stuff right now.  If you're actually on my side, though, I'm sure we can take them down if we work together.  You're going to have to act less suspicious, though."

            "I'm aware of that.  I was thinking that since right now they're kind of unsure about where I stand, I might have to join them in doing some horrible prank."  She looks at me with a sad expression, and I get what she's thinking from her expression right away.

            "Pull the prank on me, then.  That way they'll think you're still on their side.  Just let me know what you're doing and when you're doing it, ok?  I would appreciate no more surprises for a while."

            "Ok, so I'm kind of like an undecover spy, right?  That's so cool.  Too bad we can't hang out in public.  Oh, right, that reminds me.  I need your help with something."

            "And what would that be?"

            "It involves Riley.  You see, she got really mad at me early today and decided the best way to get back at me was to go flirt with that bad boy."

            "Oh, Riley."  What are we going to do with that girl?  She can't just go around flirting with guys because she gets made at me.  Something bad is bound to happen that way, like her heart being broken.  "What bad boy?"

            "I think his name is Jake.. no, is it Drake?-"

            "Yeah, that's his name!  Isn't he the guy who supposedly is a drug dealer?"

            "Oh, great!  A drug dealer?  That's just perfect!  I knew he went to juvie for something, but I didn't know it was that bad!  What do I do?"

            "Sorry, just telling you what I heard.  He went to juvie?  Is that just a rumor or do you know that for sure?  I mean, maybe he isn't as bad as the rumors claim him to be.  Maybe people just don't like him, so they make up outrageous stories about him."

            "Yeah, he went to juvie.  I saw him being put into a cop car before.  I didn't know what he had done, but it must have been bad enough.  Riley is just too fragile for a guy like him.  He'll hurt her.  I need to protect her from him, but she won't listen to me.  That's where you come in.  Can you help me get her to listen?  Maybe you could talk to her?"

            "Ok, then we definitely need to make sure Riley stays away from him.  Have you ever thought of repairing your relationship with her?  I mean, she is your little sister.  Why don't you just apologize to her and see where things go?  I can't guarantee I can get her to listen to me."

            "That's one of the reasons why I came to talk with you, because I wanted to repair our relationship and I thought that maybe in the process I could get Riley to stop hating me."

            "Riley doesn't hate you.  She's just mad at you because you used all those girls and you don't treat her like she's family.  She needs attention and you don't give it to her."

            "I know... It's just...hard.  I did try telling her I was sorry after school, but she wouldn't listen.  She told me that I didn't mean it and that she'll never forgive me.  I'm not even sure if our relationship will ever get back to how it used to be."

            Ashley looks sadly at me before reaching out and holding my hand.  It feels nice to have her holding my hand.  "It'll get better.  It'll just take some time.  Kind of like our relationship."

            "Ever since you stopped hanging out with us, I've been kind of lonely.  It's not like I can talk to David or Ashton about this or anything for that matter of fact."

            "That's why I'm here, so you can talk to me."

            "You'll still treat me like a friend even if you don't trust me 100%?"

            "Of course, you need someone to be your friend, right?"


            "So, I already told you I liked you, but...Do you think there's ever a chance that we could get back together sometime?  If, maybe, things don't work out between you and Seth..."

            Ashley sighs and runs her fingers through her hair.  "I really don't know, Luke.  Maybe...I just don't want to get your hopes up because I can't make any guarantees or anything."

            "Ok, I can wait if that's what you need me to do.  If you'll be happy with Seth, than I'll be happy to see you happy."

            "I don't think it's such a good idea for you to wait.  Are you even sure that you really like me?  I mean, with everything that has happened between us..."

            "I do and I will.  I know you might not like me either, but I'll take my chances.  Ashley, I do.  I'm sure of it.  You make me...you make me want to do good things and be good, to actually change.  I want to protect you from the other guys too.  It hurts me to see them treat you like crap.  I need you in my life."

            "I'm sorry, Luke.  This is just going so fast..."

            "I know." I take my other hand that isn't holding hers and rub her cheek with my thumb.  How I wish I could kiss her right now, but that would just complicate things.  I've already made her life hard enough, I should just stop before it gets worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2012 ⏰

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