13. Top To Not

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Ashley's P.O.V.

            English class is now over and I'm pretty upset.  English has always been my favorite class and now Seth just makes it even better, but now I have to go to gym.  I'm really not looking forward to this.  Well, more like dreading it.  It's not that I'm not good at gym, actually I'm really good at it, but today we're playing dodge ball.

            Dodge ball is something I've always hated.  You see, as the popular kids, we would always team up on the nerdy kids or the kids we didn't like.  Now, I have a feeling that I'm going to be the person who everyone gangs up on and throws the dodge balls at.  Even the people on their team just stand out of the way and watch that person get hammered. 

            I knew then that we shouldn't have done it, but I was one lone voice.  What could I do?  Since all the things that have happened though, I would go back in time if I could and try to save that person the misery.  Especially since I'm pretty sure I'm going to experience it now.  Just great.

            I'm walking through the halls toward the gym and people are still whispering and talking about me.  Jeesh!  When are they going to find something new to talk about?  Am I really that interesting?  I doubt it.  They just like talking trash on me. 

            I'm just about there when I see Vanessa, Brenda, Luke, Ashton, Jessica, and David all standing practically right in front of the gym doors as people walk by.  All six of them are standing there making snide remarks about the kids in my gym class who are considered nerds.  I roll my eyes.  They're such jerks!  You would think they would get tired of doing that after they do it everyday.

            And now I have to face them because there are no other doors to get in, and although I'm not excited for gym, if I would skip my parents would find out.  I'm a few feet from the door when Ashton spots me.  He nudges Vanessa and she nudges David and they pass it down.  They all look at me with such warm smiles.  Too bad I know what really hides behind those smiles.  I look carefully at Luke.  If he's on my side, he's sure doing a good job at holding his part.

            "Excuse me," I mutter to Ashton who is mainly blocking the door.

            "And why would I let you through, Babe?" he asks with a smirk.

             "Because I asked nicely."

            "Hey!  I thought I was your babe," Brenda whines.

            Ashton looks at Brenda.  "You are, honey, you are.  I'm just having a chat with my favorite ex."

            "I'm pretty sure this conversation is over," I mutter trying to move past him.  Unfortunately, he's way to strong and isn't budging.  "Please move."

            "Why don't you make him?" David asks smirking.  "Aw.  Is Ashley going to cry?  Is little Ashley ok?"

           "You haven't changed at all have you guys?  Still as rude as always.  I think you guys need a reality check.  No one likes you.  They're just too afraid of you guys to say anything."

            "Oh, are they?" Brenda laughs while wrapping her arm around Ashton.  "Since when do you know everything Ashley?  From what I see you're just as bossy as always."

           "Look, can you please just move?"

           "What if I don't want to?" Ashton asks.  "Are you going to push me out of your way?"

            "No.  Just please move."

            "Alright.  I'll move for you."  Ashton grabs me and pushes me up the wall across from the door. 

            "Let me go!"  His grip is so tight it hurts.  I struggle and struggle, but he won't let go.

            "Hey, sweetheart.  It's been a while hasn't it?"


            "Shh.. Brenda," Ashton says without turning around.

            "I'm not Brenda," Luke says.

            Ashton lets out a lot of air and turns his head around.  "What do you want Luke?"

            "Maybe you should let her go and we should go to class."

            Ashton laughs and everyone else joins in.  "Ah, Luke.  You always crack me up, you know that?"

            "Does he?  You know he's right, though?" 

             I turn my head to the right to see who spoke this time.  Ashton turns his head too and so does everyone else.  "Excuse me?  Who are you?" Ashton asks with a sneer.

            "I'm Seth."

            I sigh with relief to see Seth, Alex, Cody, and Leah all standing there.  And then coming up behind them is Riley and Evelyn.  So maybe not everyone hates me?

Author's Note

Good?  Bad?  Horrible?  Who's your favorite male character? Thanks for reading!

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