14. Friends After All?

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Ashley's P.O.V.

            I'm stunned!  They are all here for me?  Standing up for me?  Never before have I felt like so many people actually care about me.  Yes, actually CARE about ME.  It's sad I know, but undeniably true. 

            "Oh, looks like Ashley has got herself her own little posse now.  Wait to go Ashley!" Ashton says clapping his hands.  What a jerk.

            Luke reaches over and starts tugging on Ashton's shirtsleeve.  He then whispers in his ear, "Let's go."  Ashton shakes his head and then laughs.  "Oh, come on, Luke.  We can take them."

            "You guys aren't going to fight them, are you?" I ask my rescuers.

            "No," Seth says.  "We don't stoop that low."

            Good.  The last thing I want is for them to get hurt because of me. 

            "So, you guys are chickening out?  Why am I not surprised?" Ashton taunts.

            "Leave them alone."  Ashton makes a face at me and opens his mouth to say something, but I continue talking before he can speak.  "Just leave us alone."

             "And why would I do that, sweetheart?  You must've forgotten that I'm not afraid of anyone or anything."

            "And I don't care.  Just please move out of the way."

            "She's right you know," Seth says.

            "Oh look at you!  Mister attitude now, aren't we?" David teases. 

           Riley and Evelyn finally catch up to us.  "Luke, mom and dad are totally going to hear about this when we get home from school."

            "Riley, mind your own business for once!" Luke says.

            Ashton laughs evilly.  "Getting yelled at by your little sister?  Ah.  That's classic!"

            Luke shoots him a glare.  "Riley, don't get into this."

            "Why not?"

            "Because I said so.  And go tell mom and dad for all I care.  That's all you ever do!"

           "Leave her alone.  You're a horrible older brother!" I shout at him.

            "Ashley, shut up," Luke says to me.

            "Why don't you?  I'm sick of you treating everyone like trash!  All of you!"

            "Oh, and you're one to speak?"  Vanessa asks.

            "Guys, let's not fight," Leah says, frowning at the situation.

            "I live to fight," Brenda snarls at her.  "You're going down twig," she adds.

            Right at that moment, Ashton tackles Seth to the ground right as David throws Alex down.  In no time, Luke shoves Cody to the floor and then the girls start in.  Brenda hits Leah right in the face while Vanessa grabs Leah and Jessica comes after me.  Evelyn starts yelling for teachers while I try and pull Brenda and Vanessa off Leah while Riley tries to get Jessica off of me. 

            Soon, the gym teachers come running along with many other teachers.  All the teachers are trying to pull them apart while avoiding getting hit by flailing arms and legs.  Eventually, the teachers get everyone separated and we are all sent to the office.  I really hope my friends don't get in trouble.  But then again we are talking about the principal who will take any amount of money as a bribe to look the other way and do squat.  They didn't do anything.  They were just the victims.

            We get into the office and the principal comes out from his office.  "So...  Who would like to tell me what happened today?" he asks all of us searching the room.

            Ashton raises his hand.  "Sure, I'd like to tell you sir."

            "Of course you would, Ashton.  Well let's hear it."

            "My friends and I were just hanging around before gym started when Ashely and her friends came over and jumped us."

            "Not true!" Leah says.  "THEY jumped US."

           "Ah.  The blame game.  So Ashton you claim that you're innocent, correct?" 

           "Correct, sir."

"Ok, then.  Ashton, Vanessa, Brenda, Luke, David, and Jessica, you are all free to go."

           I gulp and look at my friends.  What did we do wrong?  When did Ashton even bribe him?  How could he have gotten the money to him already?

            "Aw.  Look who's in trouble," Ashton whispers in my ear on his way out.

            Gosh.  I really dislike that boy.  Why did I ever date him?  Who does he think he is?

            I sigh.  What's our punishment, then? 

            Luke hesitates at the door.  He exchanges looks with me and Riley.  "Look, sir, Riley didn't do anything."

            "Hm..  Ok then.  Riley you're free to go as well."

            "What if I don't want to?" she asks crossing her arms over her chest. 

            Luke reaches over and grabs Riley's arm.  "Come on we're going."

           She leans in and whispers in his ear.  "What about them?"

           "I can only do so much.  I already got you free don't push it."

            She pulls her arm free from him and shoves past him and out of of the room.  He sighs and calls after while, leaving us behind for our punishment.


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