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disclaimer; still don't own teen wolf and if i did sciles wouldn't have had that depressing scene is 5x09 


So after the boys explained to the Sheriff about what was going on in Beacon Hills, I still had to go to school and now I'm sitting in the weight room with Liam and Mason. While they're actually lifting I decided to sit with one of my ear buds in listening to some music and eat sour patch kids since Scott had this great idea I should be babysitting his beta.

"You know how I keep reminding Garrett to give me back my hoodie?" Mason asks both of the teenagers in front of him.

"Yeah" Liam and I say in unison

"Well I remembered you said that he lived in that housing development on Spalding, so I went there and guess what? That housing development is still in development"

Ok now that is weird

"So?" Liam said not really listening to mason

"So there's no houses yet, unless the dude lives in some back hoe, there's something he's not telling us"

"Maybe he works for the FBI?" I say in a sarcastic tone, but Mason decides to ignore it.

"And then there's this other dude man, he's been acting really strange, running to school for no reason, disappearing at parties, used to be my best friend. Then there's also this other friend of mine, she's always leaving for no reason, keeps hanging out with juniors, and I think she's hooking up with my best friend" Mason says trying to see if Liam is listening.

"Hey I'm a kickass best friend and I am the best wingman," I say while Liam wasn't paying attention that Mason was talking about him

"And who is apparently on steroids" Mason said while ignoring my statement when Liam adds more weight to lift.

"What?" Liam asks confused

"Your not actually gonna try to lift that are you?"

"Are you alright? Is it about the game tonight?"

"I'm fine it's just a scrimmage"

"You know who your playing right?" Mason asked while I'm kind of confused why it would matter who were playing

"Yeah. I mean no, I guessed I missed the announcement"

"Liam it's your old school, Devenford Prep"

Oh hell

Liam then got up and started walking to the locker room and me tailing right behind him, but then all of a sudden someone grabs me and walks into the locker room while that person covers my mouth to keep me quiet.

"Derek? What the hell is your problem?" I ask him getting pissed off her scared me like that

"What the hell" I overhear Liam say. "Where's my stick?"

"Are these yours?" Derek asked Liam. Then all of a sudden he snaps the stick in half and throws it towards Liam. Then puts his claws to my throat.

"Derek.." I said trying to warn his about the angry beta.

Then Liam's eyes turn yellow and he starts growling. Derek doesn't seem affected by this, just amused. Liam charges but Derek was quick and let me go then grabs Liam by the neck and threw him up against the lockers.

"DEREK STOP" I said to him while he continued to hold Liam up against the lockers until Scott comes in calming Liam down.

"Your right, he is angry" Derek said has he let Liam down

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