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disclaimer; i do not own teen wolf but i do own the ball of emotions that haley argent does feel in the whole story(if that makes sense?)


I haven't been really able to sleep at all. Every time I close my eyes all I can picture is a gun pointed at me and its about to go off until blood splatters all over my face. Then I just picture myself in the shower when I was cleaning off all the blood and I can just see all this red going down the shower drain.

I haven't really talked to anyone since the near death experience. I haven't even told Liam about it but I'm sure Scott did. Right now it's like three in the morning and I can't sleep. But since the almost death, I haven't really left Stiles side. So I'm in his bed trying to actually get some sleep but I can't and it also doesn't help that Stile sis rolling all over the place.

"Stiles...." I whisper to him since it's late at night. With him still not responding I try again, "Stiles" I say as I poke him, which interrupts his dream. "Can you stop moving around so much it's distracting." I tell him

"Sorry" He says rolling over to look at me.

"You miss her don't you?" I ask him but already knowing the answer.

"Yeah I really do" Stiles says looking me in the eye with his sad pair of eyes

"She'll forgive you, it just takes time, and I can tell she really likes you," I tell him trying to make him feel better about this at like three-thirty in the morning.

"Thanks Haley that means a lot" He gives me a sad smile.

"So...I heard you were the little spoon?" I question him in to which he rolls his eyes.

"Unbelievable" he mutters to me but then gives me a little smile.

"You deserve to be happy Stiles," I mumble to him as I close my eyes actually thinking I can get some sleep. I think I hear him say something to me but I was too tired and I actually fell asleep for the first time since the accident.



Waking up with Stiles spooning me was not how I ever wanted to wake up.

"AHH" I scream trying to get far away from Stiles, which ends up with me falling to the floor. Stiles wakes up confused and then laughs once he sees me on the ground.

"You really need your girlfriend back so you can cuddle her instead" I then sit up.

"Dually noted." He tells me while getting up and leaving his room to go and start his day.

"Just wanted to let you know we have a plan to try and catch the Benefactor at the hospital so if you feel like finally getting out of the house you can come and join us at the hospital" He tells me walking out the door but first giving me a sad smile before leaving the room.

(scott's dream)

"Catch" Scott hears someone say and catches the lacrosse ball that was just thrown at him. Scott looks up and sees Haley, his face shows shock.

"That's why you're team captain" Haley says giving him a small smile.

Haley starts walking and was about to go into one of the school's classrooms but looks back to see if Scott is following her, which he ends up doing.

Scott walks into the classroom and sees a laptop sitting on the teacher's desk. A bunch of code is typing out on the computer.

Scott then types in the keyword that so just happens to be his name and he waits for the list to load.

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