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disclaimer; i do not own teen wolf, just haley argent and her plot


Haley's eyes open and she sees a whole bunch of stars in the sky staring down on her. She sits up and takes in her surroundings and sees that she is in the Beacon Hills Preserve. Haley starts thinking to herself how the hell she got in preserve and why is she here. These woods aren't that great of luck considering this is the place where the Hale fire happened, thanks to her psycho aunt and where Scott McCall, her sister's ex-boyfriend, got bit and turned into a werewolf thank to Peter Hale himself. Haley finally decides to stand up and start walking home or rather known as the Stilinski household. Haley reaches for her phone as she starts walking in the direction to her home. She tries calling Stiles seeing if he can come and pick her up so she doesn't have to walk all the way home but as she tries calling, Haley realizes hat she isn't getting a phone signal. Haley stares down at her found confused and frustrated since she usually gets a signal whenever she was in the preserve. When Haley looks up from her phone, she sees that the ground is covered in snow all of a sudden and that it got way colder then it should be in the summer of Beacon Hills California. Starting to get freaked out, Haley starts running until she trips and falls face down into the newly fallen snow. She groans and she gets up from the ground and when she turns around to see what she trips on, she looks and sees a dead man with a spear protruding through his stomach all the way out through his back. Haley puts her hand over her mouth in shock at what she is seeing; not believing someone stabbed this man with a spear. Haley keeps staring at the dead body that she didn't see someone run over to her and try to get her to stand up.

"Allison?" Haley says in disbelief looking at this girl that looks just like her sister.

"No, my name is Marie-Jeanne Valet." Marie-Jeanne says in her French accent.

"No, your name is Allison Argent and you're my older sister who got stabbed by an Oni." Haley tells Marie-Jeanne, not knowing what to think.

"I'm sorry but I have no clue who this Allison is." Marie-Jeanne starts, "You need to get out of here, its not safe for you here."

"I need answers so no I'm not leaving." Haley's stubbornness starting to kick in since she needs to know what's is going on.

As Marie-Jeanne and Haley keep staring at each other, they hear someone moving in the snow and they look to see the dead man alive and holding the spear in his hand.

"It's the Beast of Gévaudan." Marie-Jeanne tells Haley, "RUN!" She yells at Haley while she gets ready to fight the man.

Next thing that happens is that the man runs over to Marie-Jeanne and stabs her with the spear she once killed him with.

"I'm the Beast of Gévaudan," He tells Marie-Jeanne while holding the spear in her abdomen. "You can't kill me or my memory."

The man then starts chasing after Haley, Haley is running like her life depends on it but it doesn't work since he caught up to her and tackled her into the snow. Haley tries fighting back but it's no use. His strength is much better then Haley's teenage girl strength. The Beast just stares down at Haley while holding onto her wrist tightly so she can't run away.

"Oh little girl, don't you know to never go in the woods alone." The Beast tells her. "I'm Sebastien Valet and no one can defeat me, not even the Maid of Gévaudan."

"Why are you doing this?" Haley asks Sebatien with tears streaming down her face. Knowing that he is going to kill her.

"Because I can Haley." Sebastien says to her as he starts transforming into the Beast.

Next thing you know, Sebastien takes his claws and plunges them deep into Haley's stomach. He then runs off, leaving Haley alone to bleed out and die.

Haley then gasps; as she wakes up from the horrible nightmare she just had and takes in her surroundings, realizing that it was all just a dream.

"Babe, is everything all right?" Liam asks groggily, looking at her worriedly.

"Yeah, just a bad dream is all." Haley tells him giving him a small smile in return.

"Are you sure?" Liam asks. "Your heart was beating really fast?"

"Uh yeah, it just felt really real, that's all." Haley tells him once again, trying to let him know that she'll be fine.

Liam then leans over and kisses Haley right on the lips, the kiss only lasting a couple seconds.

"Let's get back to bed." Liam tells her, him starting to lie back in bed ready to go back to sleep.

Haley agrees with a nod of her head in agreement and lays her head on her pillow with Liam's arms wrapped around her torso. She hears Liam's snores, letting her know he fell back asleep once again. All Haley can think of is,

Why did Marie-Jeanne Valet look a lot like Allison? Why is The Beast so important? Why do I think the Beast isn't just the start of everything bad that is going to happen to Beacon Hills?


words; 896

OMG so i finally posted the epilogue!!!

sorry for the wait but i am glad to say this the end of the first book :)

I am going to start editing this book and then will move onto the second book so I'm pretty excited for what i have planned for Haley in season five!!!

thank you all for reading and be prepared for the second book very soon:)

please comment and vote:)

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