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disclaimer; i do not own teen wolf and if i did liam dunbar would be all mine


Being smart is the worst of my problems today considering I get to take the PSAT with all the other juniors that are taking it. I know what your thinking, you aren't a junior and that is correct but since I'm like Lydia Martin smart, I get to take the test today. So here I am standing in line with the group waiting to take this test that determines my future.

"Where's Lydia?" Kira asks considering Lydia is a junior.

"She took it her freshman year, like Haley is doing" Stiles says pointing at me.

"Yeah I'm basically Lydia Martin 2.0" I then flip my hair over my shoulder and smile.

"Does that mean I could've taken it another time?" The werecoyote ask since she's not really prepared.

"Malia, you've studied harder for this then any one of us," Scott says trying to help boost her self-confidence.

"Doesn't mean I'm going to good," Malia states since most of her life she was trapped inside the body of a coyote.

"Well" Stiles says correcting his nervous girlfriend.

"Well what?" Malia questions her boyfriend confused.

"He meant its do well not good," I tell her as Stiles shakes his head in agreement to what I said.

"Oh god" Malia says which makes Stiles say, "Oh god"

"You're doing this, because while were trying not to die, we still need to live. Because if I survive high school, I would like to go to college. A good college." Scott tells the nervous girl to the right of him

"Its only three hours, we can survive three hours" Kira tells all of us, which makes Scott and Stiles look at her with disbelief, but man did she speak to soon.

We get into the classroom where we have to stick ours thumbs in ink and then the creepy man gives us our test, then we have to put our phones in an envelope thing where Lydia's mom collects. I then take a seat behind Stiles who opens up the textbook to take a look.

"Please do not open up your test booklet until you are instructed to do so," which then makes Stiles close his booklet very awkwardly and then put a pencil in his mouth which I chuckle to myself under my breath.

"This test is two hours and ten minutes, there will be two twenty-five minute critical reading sections, two twenty-five math sections, and an essay writing portion that will last thirty minutes" the creepy guy states to the class full of students.

Of course there had to be two teachers present and coach wasn't anywhere to be found. Lydia's mom came back into the classroom after trying to get a hold of coach but of course she didn't so the creepy guy just said for us to begin the test. So far the test wasn't that hard and I was going through it pretty quick. Then all of a sudden a girl just fell out of her chair and right onto the dirty classroom floor. Mrs. Martin went to check if she was okay and the girl named Sydney had some weird marking on her arm. Apparently Mrs. Martin called the CDC so now were stuck in the classroom.

"They think its smallpox" Stiles tells the werecoyote, the kitsune, and me.

"Not likely, smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1979, we've only managed to eradicate two viruses in history, the other was rinderpest, it killed cows" the creepy test giver says joining our conversation

"So we should be comforted by that? Right?" Stiles questions the man sitting behind the desk.

"Unless its something worse" the guy tells us

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