He Who Strikes First Wins

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Chisuzu was already in the Kanto region when it started happening. She was sitting just outside a café, sipping her now lukewarm coffee as she leveled up against someone five levels above her in an MMORPG called 'The First Strike'. The level didn't matter to her as much as their gear did and even then, she still had a strategy over them.

The broadcast happened as she was collecting her experience points. There was power in news announcements and it showed as the usual buzz around her hushed almost instantly. Many quit moving entirely as they stared at the large screen.

'Lind L. Taylor. L?' Her confusion followed the words as she listened to him. It was undeniably something L would say...and yet, she somehow doubted he would show his face so easily.

She had them on a pedestal, having been following their work since before the BB murder case, keeping up only through the hacking skills she had picked up in her youth.

Her eyes widened when he started clutching his chest and moaning before he stopped moving and was carted off by suits. Nobody else had even been there with him.

And then the L came up and her shock morphed into a proud little grin.

'That's better.'

She could hardly contain her glee when he continued to inform Kira that he knew he was in the Kanto region.

As soon as the message had ended, the sound started again, an endless whirr of life. The girl found it both fascinating and overbearing.

It was time to go home.

With her head down, eyes pensive, and laptop secured in her shoulder bag, she took the next bus home. Her body itched in a way she couldn't scratch until she made it into her house and closed the door, yanking her braided brunette wig from her head but leaving her contacts in for now. Her head was newly surrounded by a frizzy white cloud of hair as she kicked off her shoes, feeling less tense now that she was home.

The meows that greeted her return were true music. It was likely anyone else would label her a 'crazy cat lady' with how many felines that came and went from her residence. With how society was, this was not a view she would blame them for.

"I'm home, everyone." She sighed, a purr of her own almost slipping as she took a moment to just recline on her couch and let them all rush to push their furry heads against her arms affectionately while others did that nearly demanding weaving between her legs.

After soaking up the love of her housemates, she turned on her laptop. Chisuzu was already well informed about this new case and hacked the files to view all the updated information. They were suspecting it was a student.

'If this was true, then they'll begin suspecting students of the police investigating first.' Going through it all, this guy just needed a name and a face.

She had known they killed criminals, but to strike out at a possible threat to their goal...it was like they were a kid. All of this would be proven if they started trying to make the authorities think otherwise.

"I'm going to need a favor." She muttered, scratching behind a mackerel tabby's ear.

'I might even be able to meet L soon.' She considered with a smile as she idly changed into a yukata. Chisuzu had left a little signature like she usually did when she accessed his stuff just for that purpose.

She needed sleep now, though, as she had recently finished up a medium intensity case in another area. It had been rather exhausting and all she really wanted to do now was sleep.

Later on, there was this incessant buzzing and the sleeping woman stirred and yawned. When she moved she peered over at her laptop; the source. It hadn't been stepped on by one of her cats since most of them were sleeping, making the room look like a cat haven.

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