Random Bonus Flufff

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I had been out and about with one of my younger feline friends, Murdoch, searching for a Christmas gift for L when it happened.

Rain, in sheets.

Typically, I was more aware and could smell it minutes before it occurred, but today I had been too preoccupied.

The thing about rain and most cats was the same with regular water. Their coats weren't insulated. The thing with me and rain/showers was I hated water falling on me, it was enough to send me into a sort of panic mode. I grabbed the little tomcat, Murdoch, and ran. After a short time, I ducked into a shop and bought an umbrella while Murdoch tucked himself into my fleece lined bag, one I brought along in case he got tired of running around with me.

I took the quickest route home, umbrella in one hand and the bag with Murdoch in the other.

It was colder than usual for a December in Japan. The rain was relatively normal but the temperature was not and I worried about Murdoch getting sick.

When I had first found the little thing, he'd had a limp from taking a hard hit on a concrete corner while he was younger. Matlock had found him and brought him to me by his scruff so I could nurse him back to health.

Now, I was sopping wet outside the door of the building. My clothes were just as bad, but I hoped Murdoch hadn't gotten wet.

My steps made squishy sloshing sounds as I stepped inside, letting my umbrella drop to the floor. Relief warmed me temporarily when I saw Murdoch was dry for the most part.

"I'm back." I called lightly, stepping out of my drenched shoes as the door shut behind me.

"Welcome back, Chisuzu." L soothed, distracting me from my cold state as he shuffled into the foyer on bare feet. There was a towel on his arm.

"You should change your clothes before you catch a cold." He continued, eyes following my coat as I shrugged it off and to the floor. I had ventured out without a disguise and had only thrown on a dress before the coat.

My socks were gross and soggy, so I bent forward and yanked them off, adding them to the pile. My teeth were chattering as I shivered. L padded towards me as I stood, drying my hair.

"You should remove your dress, with Watari's recommendation I left a robe here for you. It was just removed from the dryer." He suggested softly as he lifted the deep green fluffy article, and I nodded. Slipping the straps of my dress from my arms, I let it drop to my feet before stepping out of it and towards him. Even as I was only in my underclothes, L's face was a mask, seemingly unperturbed by my nudity as he helped me into the robe.

Quickly sliding off my still damp bra, I left my underwear on and pulled the robe around me, nearly burrowing into the soft fabric. My teeth were still chattering as L held his hand out for me to take.

"There's tea prepared in the other room." He was smiling a little now and I properly tied the robe closed before taking his hand.

The scent of peppermint tea reached me as we entered the room and I noted the fireplace going.

This was new.

"Would you like for me to dry your hair more?" At the sound of his voice, I peered at him curiously. There was something odd in his voice I had been hearing more of as of late; uncertainty.

L was trying to do things he wasn't used to and now appeared to be scanning my reaction.

"I would like that." I smiled, encouragingly, noticing his movements were still fluid but held an ever so slight hesitation before them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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