Shocking Discoveries

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Since I was the only other Task Force member living in the same building as L, I was the second to see the journal the fan of Kira sent.

What was I supposed to think about this person? They seemed stupid, but if I followed my idea of them taking advantage of everyone else's disbelief, then perhaps they were clever and opportunistic? Showing one another their Shinigami on the thirtieth would be what distracted them from something bigger and more important.

'But what?' There was so much here to work with, I decided I'd need to play sleuth.

"Good morning, Suzu. Are you alright? You look like you want to say something."

"Just thinking. You know, if Light is Kira, tactically, he's not very bright..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, Kira has the ability to control a person's actions before they die, right? Light knows the names of nearly all the Task Force members yet I wonder if he realizes he could use them to kill you, L, before they die. Personally, I am very glad he's hasn't if he's already come to this conclusion as I prefer us all to be alive. Perhaps, he knows he would be suspected?"

"You'd have won if you were Kira. You could easily use a disguise after infiltrating our ranks and have the perfect escape." L mused, a finger to his lips and eyes on the ceiling. It had taken some time to notice, but L's tone changed often seeming to independently rise and fall almost contingently but never going above a certain height unless absolutely necessary.

"It's a good thing my morals find this power wrong. I wouldn't have killed those chasing after me unless they'd tried to kill me; never would've even shown my face." I saw him shift his eyes to me for a moment before he checked the time.

"The Task Force will be here soon so I think we should change topics unless you don't mind them suspecting you."

"Oh? If they all heard and Light used this method, then he would obviously be suspected as Kira."

"I would die." He reminded flatly and I smiled. Somehow, I felt he had enjoyed the banter as much as I had. It didn't seem to matter if it had involved his death; it was even fun.

"Which is why I want to ask you if you mind me prowling around solo tomorrow? You could say I got sick. I will start researching this," I waved the journal entry back and forth. "Tomorrow."

"You plan to stay and observe Light's reactions to the journal?"

"Of course. It's too amusing to watch him squirm under scrutiny and freeze when he's found something we missed. You're right, Ryuzaki. This game is fun."

I claimed a spot on a couch and yawned as everyone filed into the room. Switching to a polite smile, I watched Light came in half an hour later, after everyone else had already discussed their points. This was likely done so we could easily watch Light.

His eyes widened. It was only for a split second, but I caught it, watching as it ended with a flash of his eyes. Throughout the entire meeting, he seemed to naturally glare at L. The expression hardened as L went on to explain the possibility of the second Kira showing up at the Tokyo Dome.

As he was going over the list, he said to keep an eye out for 'women with notebooks' in Aoyama and Shibuya's clothing stores.

'That's right. The people that had been killed by the second had shown up in Women's magazines...' My thoughts trailed as he said something about cameras and Matsuda piped in, saying he should go since he would blend in with the crowd. My attention was grabbed when Light stated he would go too.

"How about you, Suzu? We could make up a last name for you and you could add to the ranks." His words were polite, matching his smile. Light wanted me to say no, but I was just as childish as him.

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