Kitty Hair Clip

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Chisuzu's clowder had woken her the morning of her scheduled meet with L, and she chose to wear a black kitty hair clip and a curly brunette wig with her brown contacts. Her attire would have to blend in with the college students around her, so she found something she could wear with thigh high socks and headed out.

When she arrived, a crowd had begun to collect around the tennis court. From the conversations she had picked up on, L had challenged Light to a match with a goal of 6 points. With all the commotion, she preferred not to interfere.

While it could easily be translated as nothing more than a normal match, it felt like it was going to be much more. Her curls swung to the side with her movements as she witnessed L's first serve and couldn't resist a little grin when he used a phrase she herself used often.

"He who strikes first wins."

Chisuzu also didn't make herself known because she wanted L to win this battle against Light and his shadow that moved.

When L was just barely losing at five to four, a little something caught her eye from one side of the court. She recognized the cat, a Turkish Van, as Matlock. He was one of the first to start the clowder of felines she now had and was mutually attached to her.

Unable to do more than watch his antics, she worried for his safety. Chisuzu knew that Matlock was a playful and mischievous little thing and Light appeared to be his target. Light, however, hadn't noticed him and it was soon to not work out in his favor.

Faster than Usain Bolt, Matlock jolted in Light's direction and tripped him, sending the young man into the court's less than humble floor. The girl didn't give a damn about Light and instead sought out the swaggering young tom, sighing with relief when she found him newly seated on the scoreboard.

A buzzing began, louder now after the strange happening. From this distance, she could hear Light hadn't been injured either and was eager to continue the match. Now half paying attention to their game, Chisuzu sent a berrating scowl in Matlock's direction only to be ignored.

'You little brat.'

L had scored, once again tied with Light whose movements hadn't let up any. There was more intense volleying and then, quicker than anticipated, the quiet detective had come out the victor. Seeing this, the girl felt her anger towards Matlock's actions melt away and was left just feeling mollified that he wasn't hurt.

Moving ahead of the two men, she sat on a bench with her laptop and listened in on their conversation as they approached. Aside from getting a general idea of where they were going next and hearing L tell Light he suspected him to be Kira by only one percent, she conceded that she would have to follow them.

They arrived at a coffee shop and Chisuzu went in after them, not worried about them being suspicious. People went to coffee shops all the time and it was local. She couldn't sit where L could see her since people were there, so she seated herself one down from them with her laptop.

While playing 'The First Strike' she heard Light slip up several times, making her suspicion of him increase. Soon all she could hear was Light's voice and it was nearly grating.

Then both of their cell phones rang in near unison and she learned that Light's father had a heart attack. This time, it would be easier to follow after them at a slower pace after L stated where his father was being treated.

Not feeling interested in more walking, she hailed a cab and ate a few mints. Once there, she tracked them by ear once more, just barely able to pick up on their voices in all the other commotion. She pulled out her laptop again and waited for them to leave the hospital room, cringing at the strong scent of disease, death, and disinfectant. Staying as close to the door as possible she continued her exploration, her character, Bastet, was working her way up a mountain. She had ram horns and short white hair. Her ears were elf-like in nature and short but thin until they ended in a point. Bastet was small but quick and well-armed for the sort of combat Chisuzu put her through.

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