What If?

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I padded into the room, where the others were waiting, and locked eyes with L. Getting my message, he nodded.

L got Light mostly up to date aside from suspecting a second Kira and introduced him to everyone he didn't already know. When he got to me, Light paused, and glanced almost imperceptibly in the direction of his hovering shadow, before smiling to me. I hated that smile, it didn't reach his eyes.

What kind of idiots did he take us for?

"Is something wrong, Asahi?" He shook his head, already used to his false surname.

"No, I just didn't think there were people my age still wearing yukata casually around this part of Japan." Light laughed awkwardly, scratching his head the way I had seen Matsuda do a few times.

"I also wasn't expecting there to be two Ls. You're very different from one another." He pretended his lie was an admittance he was almost embarrassed about.

"Do call me Suzu. Makes it easier to differentiate." I smiled, staring pointedly at the dark hovering mass behind him before glancing at him and smirking at his glare.

It would have scared me if it wasn't so amusing. Having the upper hand in a fight was great. I wasn't the only one giving Light crap either as L requested he listened to the tapes and asked him to 'Play Kira'.

Not having anything else to do, I curled up to nap on the sofa as Light wrote things out and L snacked. From my spot, I found myself watching them again, seeing them tiptoe along the friend border with one another. L may not have much on the lines of a social life but that didn't mean he didn't know how to act around people. When he wanted to, his social IQ was actually quite high.

"Suzu, if you are tired, feel free to go to your floor. I will contact you if and when we get a response from the second Kira."

___Light at 3rd person___

There are two Ls? Since when? Has it been like this the entire time? He snuck a peek at the napping girl, who L had allowed to return to her room.

She was completely different alright. He could have sworn she had smiled right at Ryuk earlier but that wasn't possible, right? Unless she was the second Kira.

No, the second Kira was an idiot and a fan, this woman knew more than she would ever admit and he was sure she hated his guts and suspected him more obviously than L. Besides, she hadn't touched his death note.

There was something else about her and it didn't sit right with him. Where had he seen her before? Why did she look so familiar? He was sure he would remember her if she had attended his school, but nothing was popping up when he happened to look over at her.

Ryuk had said something about her that disturbed him.

"You're in trouble, Light. There is no beating this one if she finds proof you're Kira." What had that even meant? Maybe he could get more out of him later.

He hadn't been expecting her at all. Apparently her technological capabilities rivaled L's.

"She can't see me but there are some humans that see Shinigami as an apparition or shadow."


Ignoring Ryuk for now, he finished up the script, silently fuming at L for tricking him into 'Playing the role of Kira'.

"Ryuzaki, I hope you don't mind me asking, but when did Suzu join the Task Force?" He stood there, thumb on his lip for only a few seconds before responding.

"Well, she was always a part of it, technically speaking, but she only physically arrived here the day Ukita died." His eyes fell on Light as it dawned on him. He should never have asked the question.

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