Misa the Yandere

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Aside from being right and winning, patiently waiting for results was my third favorite thing about a case. I loved sleeping and while nights were best spent in a dark closet, day naps were best had in a bed with plush pillows, surrounded by cats. The sun wasn't a burden so much as another thing to keep me warm.

In my hurry to pack, I had overlooked my puzzle stack and was forced to spend my free days online or napping; total heaven.

I didn't get a call from L until a few days later. It was still considered afternoon when I heard his barely hinted at English accent, shadowing his words. Like most things about L, it was strange in a good way, but it made me want to go back to sleep.

Unless he raised his voice, it was lulling and soothing.

"Bast, I know you're awake. We just received another message from the second Kira." I sat up at those words, my hair fluffing about and sticking up in places.

"I will be there as soon as possible." Shaking away from sleep's hold, I yawned and shuffled into the bathroom to wash my face and get into disguise. I hopped reflexively, narrowly missing a sleek Bombay, one of the most affectionate cat breeds in existence.

Once I finished, I rushed down to them and quietly entered the room. After a quick exchange of polite 'good mornings', we got down to business.

"This message was postmarked on the twenty-third," Watari announced before the Kira symbol showed once more.

'So, it was that girl. It has to be her.' I speculated, being watchful of Light's expression. His barely salient astonishment at the words told me he hadn't met up with her later.

'She really got up and left, then.' I met eyes with L and couldn't help my glee as a small smile slipped. It probably looked twisted or cruel. Light was incredibly flustered under his male equivalent of resting bitch face.

When everyone else left, I noticed Light hadn't moved. His dark eyes were examining me as though he was trying to pin down something.

"Miss Suzu, may I speak with you for a moment?" Light's cordial question irked me. He was such a false nice guy.

"Of course, Light. What is it you wanted to speak with me about?" I think I heard L heading to the bathroom.

"I was just wondering how you were feeling? I heard you fell ill a few days ago and couldn't go with Matsuda and me to Aoyama. You look like you're back to full health now, though."

"Oh, that. Yes, I'm well. Thank you." I had been raised to be polite and patient to even the most arrogant of people. What was he trying to learn now?

"We don't really get to speak with one another unless it involves the case. Do you mind me asking why it feels like I've seen your face before?"

My polite smile widened a smidge and I debated on telling him or not.

"Probably because I was at your entrance exam ceremony with Ryuzaki." Veering my head off to the left, I pretended to muse further.

"Then again, I was on the second floor so perhaps you saw me at your tennis match with him; quite the close game, if I remember." I commended and relished the moment as he stiffened and grew more and more uncomfortable with every example I gave.

"Or the café you showed him the day he tested you and your father had his stress caused heart attack. Oh, and I was in the lobby that day as well."

"How did you manage to follow us around all day?" Light tried to laugh off his nervousness, but I went in for the kill.

"Aside from my skills in computer technology, I have a gift for being everywhere I need to be. You would have spotted me if you and Ryuzaki hadn't been so deep in conversation."

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