[Bonus]Lemons Aren't Just Fruit [Bonus]

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Hello dears, Aza here. I doubt I really need to do this after the rating change but here's your warning. There's a lemon here for you as requested by someone mentioning how there weren't many lemons with LxOC on FF.


We were on another case, but I was currently too out of it to really pay attention to anything but the back of L's head. He was eye deep in information, scouting diligently for any irregularities and I...

Well, I was immensely frustrated and knew I would be no help in my current state.

"Chisuzu." L started and I zeroed in on his voice, my ears nearly flickering like those of my four legged friends. It had been a year since the solving of the Kira case and my relationship with L had progressed plenty in every sense but the physical.

This was where I paused, unknowing was I to any sexual experience he may have, so I had started slowly and gained his trust and affection. In a way, I felt I may have moved at a pace too slow but it could also be my sexual frustration talking.


"Did you want to say something? You've been staring at me for about ten minutes now." His voice, to an outsider, was nonchalant and casual but I had learned better. The problem was I didn't know if he knew the full extent of my need.

"You're a smart man, L. You tell me." My crankiness was only the tip of the iceberg. Yes, I had been raised to be a lady and all the things and traits my mother had felt required; proper. It didn't stop me from having the ability to desire a man.

And, dammit, I wanted L.

"I actually had a question for you." His words used to only be pleasant yet now I nearly hung on his every word, his voice sultrier in tone; more appealing in frequency. It affected me so strongly, my body's immediate reaction was to act as though I had been doused with cold water or left out in the winter. I was lucky to wear so many clothes on a regular basis to hide the hardening of my nipples and the goose bumps prickling along my skin with just his voice.

Just his voice, and I was the only one who appeared outwardly affected.

"Fire away."

"You're very much like a cat in habit and, in some ways, appearance. Tell me, did you also inherit a heat cycle?" His words never wavered. No nervousness, no shudder of discomfort.


"You would think so, but humans all have their own wiring, typically independent of one another until synchronized, in a manner of speaking. Cats are more run by animal instinct, whereas humans...perhaps the closest feeling to it is one's impulsiveness."

"I see. You haven't really been listening to what I've been saying in regards to the case." He muttered, the presence of logic hovering irritatingly. I didn't want him to think.

"You've been hearing it but it goes through one ear and out the other. You seem much more distracted than any other instance I have seen you in." He continued and I just listened, focusing on the tone of his voice. I could decipher the feeling and pattern as his, one of musing while amused.

Or teasing but it didn't seem as like him and I grew worried again, like every other time my thoughts came to this possible conclusion.

L may not have an interest in me sexually. To him, kisses and cuddles may be enough, but I wanted him to touch me and make love to me. The only thing stopping me was this newly haunting fear.

I felt myself stand and approach him, the reluctance of each step the only proof of my insecurity. My eyes were clouded, I knew. It was the only part of my face I had never completely taught how to lie.

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