Cats can't Commit Crimes

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She had agreed to my plan since I reminded her of Misa and I told her I would prove I cared about L as much as Misa did Light, but showed it in other ways. In my case, I had to save him from being killed by someone with this 'Kira power'.

'I can't believe it worked.' I thought, in a daze as I entered L's expansive main room. The high ceiling suddenly made me dizzy.

'Saving Misa, saved L? Alright, I could do that.' Garbled voices like static in the background could be heard, but I felt like I had a nearly impenetrable force field around me as I contemplated everything.

I was pretty sure Mogi was letting everyone know I got the part. Light's bitching being easiest to filter out.

'She never said anything about Misa being happy with the situation afterwards, so maybe she understood logic amidst her own feelings for Misa.'

This Shinigami thing was a real ride to just think about.

Rem hadn't really told me anything, but she didn't need to. Her silence told me everything.

"Suzu?" His deceptively warm voice made coming out of my reverie more difficult.


"Are you alright?"

"Yes, was a very new experience for me, that's all. I didn't know it would be so exhausting." I admitted as I vaguely heard Mogi tell everyone I made the campaign.

"I heard you did well today. You should go rest for a while."

"I'm going to game some and take a nap." I felt distant, out of body even.

I removed my makeup and the rest of my disguise. This stuff may really change a person's looks, but I hated how I could feel it on my face.

My bath was nice and quick and I changed into a light knit sweater and loose palazzo pants, somehow making my way to a room with my cats.

The air conditioning had been on all day and it was so refreshing to just move around aimlessly.

What better way to think of a plan?

I splay out on the cool linoleum, enjoying the contrast of warm and cool on the back of my arm and legs where the fabric had moved up. Closing my eyes, I could hear them meowing and purring as though they were in the background.

'I just had a conversation with Misa's do I continue from here?' My cats weren't doing it, this time, they were most helpful for cuddles and relaxing.

Gaming will help me focus. Peeling myself from the floor, I padded to my computer room, lit only by the glowing hue of the monitors.

'Let's shoot something this time.' Choosing a racing game, I wrapped my hands around the two controllers I'd attached to the arms of my chair, my fingers fitting between the grooves of the grips, thumbs gliding over the red buttons on top.

Once I'd muted the 'in-game music', it became more immersive.

Higuchi was the obvious answer, but I wanted a plan. I had gotten his number after I'd left the bathroom that day and he'd been texting me ever since.

Persistent fellow.

'You seem like one of the more laid-back members of this team, so I feel most comfortable giving you my number.' Using the helpless and trusting method with him was the way to go, it seemed.

'Hook, line, and sinker.' I grinned as a helicopter went swirling to the ground.

I texted him and set up a time and place to meet up after I...snuck away from my upbeat and kind hearted manager.

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