Meeting the Conman

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While they were heading back, I saw L pull out a pair of handcuffs with a lengthy chain, causing me to smirk and raise a brow at him.

When he cuffed one to his wrist, I connected the two immediately.

"You're really going to do it, aren't you?" He exhaled in response to my awe.

"I'm not saying anything against this, I'm simply wondering how you're going to deal with Misa's squawking."

"Hopefully, she'll get over it soon. With you, Light, and myself working on this case together, we may not have to worry about it taking much longer."

"While we're alone, I have a question for you, Suzu."


"When you solve cases, you gain information on your client first to use against them later if they threaten to expose you. You had the upper hand and could have simply given me your real name to gain my trust. Why then did you tell me you knew my real name?"

"Oh, you're referring to that conversation. It's quite simple, Ryuzaki. I'm a proud person and the only thing better than knowing the name of someone as discreet as you, is sharing my knowledge with you."

"So you were showing off and decided the best way to do so without risking my life was to only tell me." Rhetorical as his statement was, I smiled brightly at him.

"For someone like me, it's like finding gold in a silver mine. Hacking dirty politicians and cheating lawyers is practically child's play. Getting your name on the other hand...well, I believe I've boosted your ego enough."

"I see. Would you mind keeping Misa and Light under surveillance with me?"

"I don't know how much help I'll be, Ryuzaki, Misa's voice is enough to make me see white noise after a while."

"I have a feeling you're being there will make things easier on both of us." He muttered as we headed up to another floor.

What a curiously sweet thing to say. When I didn't correct L, and simply followed next to him, he gifted me with one of his rare, minute, and brief smiles.

I smiled back and shook my head. Now, that just wasn't fair.

When we arrived, Misa was physically clinging onto Light happily. This changed drastically once L clicked the other cuff onto him.

My eyes wandered over to the exceptionally tense and annoyed men on the couch, my heart reaching out to them as the rating of Misa's actions and words on the ridiculous scale increased tenfold.

When she noticed me, she didn't seem to recognize me; unsurprisingly. There had been a lot of commotion the day we met.

"Wait a minute. Who are you again?" Her tone was already changing to one of suspicion as she glared at me. More specifically, my breasts.

'I am going to kill so many virtual people because of you later.'

"Hello, I am Suzu and I work with the Task Force." I bowed politely in greeting with a smile.

"Oh, so are you like L's girlfriend or something?" Exchanging glances with L, I went back to smiling at her.

"If that placates your overworked mind."

"Whatever. Just don't go trying to steal Light from me and we'll be fine."

"Should be easy since I don't like him." I shrugged.

"About this love at first sight." L chimed in, saving me from Misa's...personality. "It happened in Aoyama on May 22nd, didn't it?"

He continued to provoke her with questions about how they came to meet and what she wore when she went there, advancing gradually to the big question.

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