Life and Death

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When Watari gave the visual, I froze as everyone around me gasped. I knew L was worried and had even heard rumors of his unorthodox methods, but this?

This was too close to home.

'Calm down. This is nowhere near the same as that day. She's like that because we don't know how she kills yet.'

I gave a look to Chief Yagami when L told him his son was now suspect number one for being Kira.

"Watari says she has yet to speak?" I questioned for clarity.

"Yes, it would seem so." L nodded and I took a deep breath and turned around on my heels and walking out the door.

"Where are you going, Suzu?" Aizawa asked, the first to notice my retreat.

"With her being our most likely candidate for second Kira and her being so doting on Kira, as we witnessed. Misa has likely been ordered to not say anything condemning. I refuse to wait here, staring at this girl until we get a response from her. If Kira does not come to her rescue...she'll eventually break. Watching her do so is another thing I do not wish to witness. Now, to answer your question," I glanced at the screen, shut my eyes, and focused on him.

"I will be in my room."

It's been three days since Misa's arrest.

I don't know how long I had been playing the realistic shooter game I was beta testing for, but I turned when the phone rang.

Not bothering to answer it, I picked up a Bombay and ventured towards the elevator.

"Please, just kill me now." I heard it as I stepped into the room, and hugged Miss Marple closer to my chest while scratching the side of her face to soothe myself.

When I saw the monitor I saw the shadow at her side.

"Yes, kill me."

"We didn't ask her a question," I whispered mostly to myself as I pressed myself to stand nearer.

"Yes, I do." Something was off. Then as soon as that statement had passed her lips it was as though he went back to before.

"Oh, I can't take it anymore. Kill me."

"You can't, no, you can't. Please just kill me." A mixture of the two oddities now.

I was snapped from my daze when I heard L yell. Misa seemed to grow frustrated only to relax as though someone was calming her. When she nodded confirmation about something, I found it hard to breathe.

Then one of her bangs moved, my hand reached out and gripped the back of L's chair to steady myself while Miss Marple rubbed her head against my chin; purring.

L had caught it too for he leaned closer to the screen.

'It touched her. That is a Shinigami and it just touched her. Why? What was going on?' The shadow stayed for a moment and then, I saw it float out of the room.

'Where did it go? I didn't know it could leave? What's going on?' My mind raced, thoughts frantic but I had to stay calm.

I could speak to L about it later.

"She wasn't talking to us," I muttered just loud enough for L to hear prior to stiffly moving to a couch and cuddling Miss Marple to me.

When Misa spoke again, she was different. Calling L a stalker and causing a commotion to start among the other Task Force members. She knew what she had been arrested for, yet now she had amnesia?

In the midst of everything occurring, the tension was temporarily broken when Misa Amane called L a pervert. Hiding my face in the fur of my loyal Bombay, I smirked and took a breath to ease the urge to giggle. I wouldn't have been able to stop if I had begun.

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