They Will Find a Way in

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I had planned everything ahead of time aside from how long the ride from my place to L's building would be; a mistake on my part.

Thankfully, the car stopped around the same time I was beginning to feel claustrophobic. All the same, I paused nearby to take in all the fresh air I could when I exited the vehicle.

"You get carsick?" I could feel his wide sleepless eyes on me, and imagined his thumb being at his lip, a habit he seemed to have while pondering something.

"Only after long rides if I don't fall asleep first, but we needed the talk we had. Go on ahead, I will wait for you inside." It was only natural they go through a different entryway for L's protection.

"Are you sure?" He was indicating that I wasn't in disguise.

"There will be a convention two days from now and it is nearby, so people here will assume I am here for it. I assure you, I will be fine." I flashed him a gentle smile and shut the door.

Once they disappeared, I regretted my decision with every step I took, but there was no way I could get back in that car until I recovered from this nausea completely. Despite the care and pride I had for my natural white locks, I was still prone to feeling self-conscious of them in public.

I knew I stuck out and I pretended to ignore the stares as I approached the doors at a pace that was natural but felt too slow.

'I just need to make it to the elevator. I just need to make it to the elevator.' This became my mantra until the metal doors closed and I turned to view the disappearing ground, becoming calmer as people morphed to dots.

Tea. I required my peppermint tea with a hint of honey. My stomach gurgled at that precise moment and I recalled I hadn't eaten anything solid in a while.

'Make that honeyed peppermint tea and something meaty, like a nice juicy hamburger. Oh boy, do I need room service.' I thought as I wiped away some drool with my sleeve. L's main floor was cozy and had more furniture in it than I had expected, yet I found it oddly consolatory.

His laptop was of average size, left to sit on the coffee table rather harmlessly. Just about all technology was harmless until you put it in someone's hands.

I had been so enamored with the room and its minimalist design that I almost didn't hear the door open behind me.

Almost. There had been a subtle shift in the air paired with the harsh creaking of hinges. Things that squeaked like that bothered me, so I always had made sure nothing in my living space made such repulsive noises.

"Suzu, how is it that you knew which floor to go to? More so than that, how did you bypass the door's keycard and passcode system?" Pivoting on my socked heels, I tossed him a blank look.

"You're a genius, Ryuzaki, I'm sure the answer will not evade you for long. Where will I be staying?"

"Three floors up. Your luggage including your package from your trusted contact is all there." It was Watari who answered and he was obviously amused while L just stared at me.

"Thank you, Watari. I will unpack and set everything up immediately."

"Will you be needing any assistance?" Watari asked and I shook my head, still unable to hide my own amusement, barely able to withhold more giggling. L was acting so childish it made me want to laugh outright.

"I appreciate the offer, but I have learned it is easier to do this part alone." I had not meant to bow, but it was a reflex I still had a hard time ignoring. Unpacking and building a computer would take time as well as the rest of the energy I had in me for the day, so I halted before the door.

BASTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora