Any Means Necessary

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As we were going through the deaths, I found Chisuzu had been right to be suspicious of Raye Penber's death and Naomi Misora's disappearance. She had been suspicious of Kira's abilities, suggesting he could kill in ways other than a heart attack, but chose not to so as to not set off any alarms about the secret murders he had committed.

Watari's insignia showed on the screen as he relayed an Eraldo Coil was threatening to give away my identity. I could hear Chisuzu snickering from her chair.

"You have your first impersonator, Ryuzaki." She grinned.

"What does she mean?" Light asked, his brows narrowing in puzzlement. Yagami was also worried my identity was at risk since Eraldo Coil was reputably known as the second greatest detective in the world.

"The detective known as Eraldo Coil is me. It's quite simple really. Three of the greatest detectives in the world L, Coil, and Deneuve. They're all actually me. It's been my experience that people who try to find me usually fall for this. I'll give you this strawberry if you promise not to tell anyone." I said, handing the precious red fruit to Mogi.

Chisuzu was quiet but unusually so for the time as she stared at her hands folded in her lap, a mixed expression on her face; worry and amusement.

Just an hour or so earlier I had just glimpsed the tail of a cat I recognized from the tennis match, Matlock, was it? She was probably trying to keep him away from Light in case he recognized her though he may just not like Light. Chisuzu had hinted at this before.

"Alright, I just have to get close to them, right? Leave it to me." Aiber assured after I gave him and Chisuzu a rundown of the plan.

"I'll play your little game until I can get my fingers on their main computer." She conceded, nodding and sharing a look with Aiber. Was that a mutual respect for the other I saw? Well, it would make sense since neither of them had ever been caught, being good at what they do.

"You seem uneasy, it something wrong?" Aiber asked and she smiled wanly.

"I need to go, now. I'll be back later." She murmured, running out the door.

Right after she said that, Watari's insignia appeared on the screen again, saying he'd just picked up on an emergency signaling from Matsuda's belt.

"Is he inside of Yotsuba?"

"Yes, the main office to be exact." I glanced over at where Chisuzu had been sitting, wondering where she had gone.

"Matsuda, you idiot."


I made it to Yotsuba, sneaking in as Matlock left

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I made it to Yotsuba, sneaking in as Matlock left. He had just gone out to watch over Matsuda and Misa's shoot for me and this is what resulted. Crawling on my hands and knees past security and using the stairs.

When I followed where he was being held, I knocked on the door.

A man with white hair opened the door.

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