Chapter 15 - Hadley

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We fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of the drive and it was only just as we pulled into the driveway of what I assumed was Brad's house that Zeek started conversation up again. "So how come I've never seen your place?"

I felt my body tense up slightly. I wasn't ready to talk about this yet. "I don't understand," I tried.

We got out simultaneously. "Well, I always have to pick you up at Mel's house when we go out for our dates. Wouldn't it be easier if I just came and got you from your place?"

Ok, I could lie my way out of this one. "Well our dates are usually on the weekends, and I practically live at her house on the weekends. Every other time has been after work or classes, so we're both at the university. Plus, she dresses me for the occasions so I find myself there anyways."

He pondered my answer as he unlocked the door with his key and nodded when he finally got the door unlocked. "I guess that makes enough sense. Anyways, welcome to my bachelor pad," he smirked, gesturing for me to go in ahead of him.

It was a generally modern bungalow house. The kitchen was to the left and a living room was on the right. There was a moderately sized television sitting in a small entertainment unit in front of a 3 cushion couch. There was no wall separating the kitchen from the living room, but instead it was just a circular dining table with 4 wooden chairs surrounding it. I could see a glass sliding door that opened out into the backyard and 2 rooms on the left hand side of the hall, while a single room which I assumed to be a bathroom was on the right.

"What a bachelor pad," I commented sarcastically. "Let me guess, both the bedrooms are off limits and you keep all the girls in the basement?"

"Actually, mine are kept outside in the backyard. Brad's are downstairs," he replied matter-of-factly.

"Oh, let me go call Mel, she'll want to know all of these dirty little secrets."

"I can't let you do that. I might have to kill you."

"I'm so scared."

"Whatever, Ms. I'm-so-sarcastic. So what do you want to do now?"

"How would you like me to know?"

"There's usually an old basketball game on, we could see just how good of a teacher I was a month ago."

"Sounds good to me."

I slipped my heels off and headed over to the couch and curled myself up against the armrest. Zeek came over with the remote control in his hands and flipped the TV on. As I suspected, the home channel was TSN so the basketball game he was talking about was already on. We watched the first quarter and he asked me questions about the calls to see how much I remembered. By the look of satisfaction on his face, I was doing pretty good.

At the end of the second quarter, he scooted over to where I was sitting and sat right beside me, giving me no room to move away. "You're squishing me," I groaned.

"You like it," he murmured. He looked at me with a sly smile on his face. "Hi."

I rolled my eyes at him and soon the game was back on. I tried to focus on it, but Zeek kept placing little kisses on my neck. I tried to push him off, but was unsuccessful since he leaned all his weight on my side. "Seriously Zeek," I laughed. "I'm trying to watch a basketball game right now."

"You're not actually interested though, are you?"

When I didn't answer, he continued his assaults on my neck, but slightly more aggressive this time. "Are you drunk? You had one beer tonight."

"Drunk on you." He shut off the TV with the remote.

"Hey, I was watching—"

I was cut off when his lips came crashing down on mine. I tried not to give in to him, but the pleasure caught up to me and I couldn't find the strength to pull away. I turned slightly so that my back was on the armrest and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands found my waist and he leaned into me more so that he was pretty much laying on top of me.

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