Chapter 21 - Hadley

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A knock sounded on my bedroom door as I sat there, playing and replaying old songs that I'd written over the years. It turns out that it's a really good way to pass the time whenever I'm bored stiff. I looked up at the door and called for whoever it was to come in. I continued to strum the notes to a song that I'd written 2 years ago on the guitar. I called it Anywhere But Here and it was about Mel having a crush on some guy to the point where she died her hair some funky colours to impress him. It was really funny.

Austin came in and sat down on the end of the bed facing me, listening to the end of the song. "That one was always one of my favourites," he commented with a smile.

"Why's that?" I asked, genuinely interested. I set my guitar down on the floor beside my bed and turned my full attention on him. I'd learned over the years that it was important to young children, especially orphans, if you at least did that much for them.

"I don't know, it's just happy. And I think it's really relatable."

"Think so? Why, are you thinking of changing you hair in weird ways like Mel did at the time?"

He laughed at the memory of Mel coming into the orphanage every week with a different disaster on her head. We all kinda did whenever it came up. "No. I would never do that!"

"Neither would I kid." He quickly went from laughing to looking nervous about something. Like he was debating telling me something or scared to do something else. "Everything ok, Austin?"

"Umm, yeah. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can, anytime. You know that." I scooted over closer to where he was sitting so I could hear him better. He usually got quiet when he was scared or nervous so I wouldn't be able to hear him at the other end of the bed, even if I tried. "Now tell me what's going on."

He turned a little more to face me. "Well, there's this girl at school that I sorta kinda like and...oh man, please don't be mad at me."

"I'll never be mad. What's going on?" I was all of a sudden scared of what he was going to tell me about this girl at school.

"Well, I asked her on a date last week," he muttered under his breath.

I wasn't sure if I'd heard him wrong or if my ears were playing tricks on me, but it almost sounded like he said he asked this girl on a date. "Sorry, what was that?" I asked, not wanting to make any assumptions without getting the proper clarification.

"I didn't think she would actually say yes! I mean, we've never really talked before so I wasn't sure if she liked me back. But she's just so pretty and I couldn't help it. I don't want her to go out with anyone else! Hey, you said you wouldn't get mad!" he exploded.

Instantly realizing he confused my thinking face for an angry face, I smiled hugely. "I'm not mad at all, Austin," I explained with a soft chuckle. "I'm actually thrilled for you! I'm really happy that you were able to find enough confidence to ask her out. I would have been too scared at your age. When is the date?"

"Tomorrow night."

"That's awesome! It's a Friday night so it's not on a school night which means that her parents will more likely to let her come out with you, well played on your part. Where are you going?"

"Well, that's kinda why I came up to see you. I don't really know where to go on a first date."

I fought back the litter laugh that threatened to escape my mouth. I had to remember that he was innocent and honestly scared about his first encounter with a girl. "Well I would suggest going out for a nice dinner together. If you go and talk to Ms. Montgomery I'm sure she could see about some good places for kids," I suggested.

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