Chapter 28 - Zeek

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I was in pain. Physically, mentally and emotionally—definitely emotionally.

The hole ride from the orphanage where I left Hadley in a crushed mess at the door, I was thinking about her and about what my future was up until about 10 minutes ago. It was perfect, nothing could have broken us. I was getting her to open up to me. I was weaving my way unto her life and allowing her to barrel into mine. That is, until I forgot about who I really was and managed to miss every chance I had to tell her. Ultimately, I let the future I really wanted slip out of my hands all because of something so stupid.

I just didn't get it. I mean, I was always so comfortable with her. There was never an awkward moment between us, like we never ran out of things to talk about no matter how long we'd been together. In all of the 8 months that I was with her, I never felt as though I had to be ashamed of who I really was. I knew that no matter who I told her I was, we would have worked it out. I could have been the one to start WWII and she wouldn't care as long as I was honest with her.

But the thing about Hadley is that she didn't pry. I guess it was the whole idea of "treat other the way you want to be treated." No matter how grade school that sounded, it was something she seemed to live by. She never appreciated when others bugged her to get into her business, so she never did it to anyone else. I specifically remember asking Mel why she was so popular at school.

"She's just so easy to talk to," was her answer. "She lets you talk to her. She will ask you directional questions, but in a way so that you know she's giving you the option to answer or not. See, Hadley is the kind of person that lets you tell her what you want her to know, and she never asks for more than that. She only ever requests that you do the same."

Boy was it ever true too. but then, if I wanted her to know who I was outside of California, why didn't I just tell her?

Arriving at Brad's house, I walked up to the door and clammed it behind me, still wondering how I could have let this happen.

"So I'm guessing tonight's date didn't go so well?" Brad said, staring pointedly at the newspaper in his hand. The front page was strategically facing me, mocking me. That newspaper—it caused the demise of something so beautiful. Hell, who am I kidding? I caused the end of it.

"We broke up," I replied evasively with obvious sadness dripping from my voice.

"Oh yeah? What happened, might I ask?" The sarcasm lacing his words wasn't missed.

"Listen, I'm not in the mood for your shit right now."

"Just a simple question."

"She knows, yes. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I could feel my anger rising not only from what happened at the orphanage, but from Brads attitude.

"Of course not! I mean, it's not like the paper boy just so happens to skip the orphanage," he sneered.

"What do you want Brad? What's the motive behind all this? Are you going to tell my father I failed? Are you going to give my mother the go ahead to plan the wedding and the rest of my life?" I barked, letting everything out. "She found out exactly who I am and my fucked up situation from the wrong person and now everything that I've done to get her to open up is all a waste."

"How long did you think it was going to last Zeek?" He stood up and took a step towards me. "Hadley's a smart girl, she never presented herself as stupid."

"I know firsthand how smart she is, thanks. I don't need anyone else to tell me."

"Then you probably should have told her sooner so this wouldn't have happened."

"The whole point was to live normally while I was here. I didn't want anyone to know who I am. She wouldn't have been the same around me if she knew I was the hair to the throne!" It was now a screaming match to see who could up who and as much as I hated to admit it, it really seemed like he had the upper hand. And my own stupidity and ridiculousness was to blame.

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