Chapter 31 - Zeek

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As I walked into the theatre, I deeply considered this to be one of the worst decisions I'd ever made in my life. At first I didn't want to go, but then Brad came in and talked to me and somehow convinced me against my better judgement to go with him. Well, that's half the truth. He came in and—forgetting I'd just ended a relationship on what could be argued as the worst terms for me—told me to accompany him and his date to the concert as a third wheel. He also mentioned that it would be the perfect, ideal opportunity to swing in and win her back before tomorrow. Being stupid, naïve, emotionally-unstable little me, I agreed to go, omitting the fact that I would have to see my ex-girlfriend who I loved by royally pissed off. As you can probably tell, I haven't been thinking very clearly lately.

So there I was, sitting at the end of the aisle in the very back of the on-campus theatre with my cousin and his girlfriend at the convert that was pretty well based around Hadley and her voice. Her voice. the same one that I'd been listening to for the past 8 months. The same one that was once reserved for my ears only. The same voice that I would probably never hear in close proximity again because of how stupid I was.

"Hey, I know what you're doing," Mel said beside me. "Stop thinking and just enjoy the show."

"Yep, that's the first thing I was planning to do when I came here, enjoy the show," I muttered sarcastically.

"Chill out Mr. Grumpy-Gills. It's not jut her performing tonight."

I dropped the conversation there because I learned from experience that little spats between Mel and I never ended since we were both too stubborn to back down. Instead, I just leaned back in my chair and waited for the performance to begin. At exactly 8:00pm, the Head of the Arts department came onto the stage and introduced the performance, thanking everyone for coming and spending the night with the cast. She mentioned how hard each of the performers worked on each of their arts over the course of the year, and proceeded to lead into the first act of the night. Apparently it was one of Mel and Hadley's mutual friends dancing.

The first hour of the show was boring, the intermission wasn't long enough, and the second half of the show was even more boring. It went from dances, to paintings and interpretations, to piano compositions, and god forbid the half an hour spent on soliloquy acts. Nothing spectacular. Of course I don't think I would know since I was asleep for most of it and Mel had to keep waking me up. What was I supposed to do? Sure this was something that arts students would be interested in, but not for someone who is going to school to major in writing poetry. So that's technically an art too, but whatever, I was still bored stiff.

I was about to doze off again when the Head of the Arts department came back on stage. "At this time, we are going to have our final performance of the night," she said. "But before that, I am going to present you with the professor of the musical arts program to give a little background on this performer and to present the act to you. Ladies and gentlemen, Professor Jason Smith."

Applause erupted in the theatre as a man, who looked to be no older than 30, walked out onto the stage. He shook hands with the Head of the department and took a place in the center of the stage.

The applause died down and he began to speak. "Good evening everyone," he started. "As you know, my name is Jason Smith and I am the head professor for the Arts of Music program here at Cal U. Our next performer is a very special one, not only to myself, but also to the community. They somehow find time for family, friends, school work, a job on campus, volunteer work, as well as music. This student not only has an incredible motivation to go after what they want, but also has a very distinct inspiration. They have inspired myself and others in the program through a peer mentor program, which is a talent and a gift that not many students have possessed in the past. I'm extremely proud to have had the opportunity to teach this student this year, as well as produce the first of what will be many albums to come. Please give a warm welcome to your top student in the Musical Arts Program at Cal U, Hadley Brian."

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