Chapter 30 - Hadley

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"I like the songs," my Art of Music prof said when I gave him my scribbles. He was also the producer of my first solo album. "They contain very strong emotions and you portray them beautifully. It's exactly what I meant when I said that you needed to reach deeper. Which one did you say you wanted to perform on Friday?"

"I didn't," I answered. "I actually wanted to ask you which one you think would be better for the show. I know that they're both kinda deep and not exactly light spirited, but I have a good feeling about them."

"I can see that you do by the way you came into my office." He examined them again. "I personally think that the first one here might be the better option for the performance." I nodded, not knowing how to answer. "I'm proud of you, Hadley. There's some pretty solid content that you've given me for your CD. It's much better than most of the students I've hand in my career and I'm beyond happy that you chose me to produce you," he said humbly. I didn't know what to say to that either, so I just smiled. "I spoke to a friend of mine and he says that he has studio time open at the beginning of May if you're interested in starting early."

"That's perfect. Thank you so much!" I said happily.

With that, I took the chords for the first song, leaving the second set of papers on his desk. I shook his hand, thanking him again for everything he's doing for me, and left the office. I went to photocopy the chords, one for each of the band members, and took them up to the performance hall where everyone was waiting. They set up with all the instruments that were needed and ran through it a couple times. They asked me if I wanted to sing it once with the chords to see if I liked it and if there was anything we needed to change.

The rehearsal went by smoothly and actually sounded pretty good. I hadn't sung in a while, so all that was left to do before Friday was to warm up my voice and make sure I was ready to perform in front of everyone that was showing up, including Zeek. We decided that we would practice tomorrow after all the classes let out and then once more before the show starts to ensure that everything was just right. I left the performance hall and just as I was getting in my car, my phone started ringing. I dug around in my purse and found it only to see Mel's name and display picture flashing on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello?" Mel said back. "Since when do you answer your phone to me with hello? You best be on your way over here, I haven't see my bitch in a long time and there's a shit ton of time we need to catch up on, never mind a lot of stuff that I was supposed to do form last week."

She said that as if she wasn't aware that Zeek and I were over. "Did you ever think that maybe I won't always be around and you'll have to do it yourself? Especially with the amount of times I get my ass locked up because of you?"

"I've considered it, but then I get scared. Seriously though, can you come over and show me how to use my washer and drier again?"

I laughed a little and she yelled at me about it, but I couldn't help myself. The poor girl wants to move out of her house and still doesn't know how to wash her own laundry. "I'm just leaving the school, I'll be over in a bit."

"Leaving the school? It's like 7 at night! What the hell are you still doing at the school?"

"You know, some classes run after 7."

"Yeah, and I also know that you don't have any classes after 7," she reasoned.

"I was with the band doing shit for Friday. You're still coming right?"

"Hell yeah! You don't sing for me anymore, I gotta hear it at least one before the year is out."

I laughed again. "Ok, I'm driving now so I'll talk to you when I get there."

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