Part 3,5: A Reason to Live

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Hi guys this is Glenn timithy0. For this part the story is going to be short. This story will only straighten the storyline. But try not to miss this one. And if my writing skills are bad i'm truly sorry. Lets get to the story.

My name is Damien Blake. My friends gave me that name. 4 years ago i escaped from the scientist. I don't have any reason to live. All i can think is i'm just a subject for experiment. 'The project zombie' thats what the scientist trying to reach. The experiment was a success because of a girl who talked to me. I actually never meet a girl before. But at that time she want me to hold on. I guess that means i have to survive. Like i said maybe there was a hope, i was the one who gave up looking for it.

But i still can't find my reason to live. What am i fighting for? I can't die either. So there is no point for me to fight. But... why do i still want to fight? Is it because i hate those scientist? Weird... because i don't have feelings anymore. I had a mental breakdown because i was tortured by the scientist and ended up used to it. I have no idea what kept me going.

I kept thinking that i actually do have a reason to live. But what is it? When i looked at my friends... i felt something... it almost felt... weird.... i felt like i don't want to loose them. I... know what my reason is. I already know what my reason is a long time ago. I want to protect my friends. My reason to live is to protect my friends. Thats why i fight. They are the ones who kept me alive. Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for risking your life so you can stand beside me....

The end of Part 3,5

Next time
Part 4: Exile

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