Part 9: Joanne Eve (I)

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So... i want to thank you guys for reading this story, and i want to thank TaraIthilien for supporting me to continue this story too. And i also want to thank mika338 for sharing her idea for this new part. Thankyou guys to all of you. I'm actually only doing this for fun, and i never thought of going this far. Thankyou so much for the support and thankyou all of you. O... if you are indonesia check mattdom's story.

4 months later...

"Gordon, have you fully recovered yet?" Asked one of the soldier. "Yeah... i'm fine..., what about Damien?" Asked gordon. "Well we still can't find him. Last time we tracked him, he's in the fortune city. Are you sure about this?" Asked the soldier. "He might be immortal, but his heart is just like a human being. After we lost our comrades, he can't even see our face anymore." Said gordon. "Yeah... but, shouldn't we try to talk to him? I mean why quit exile?" Asked the soldier. "Do you have a wife? Or a girl that you loved?." Asked gordon. "Yes i have, my wife and my daughter are always waiting for me to come home every year. I loved my family and i can't afford to lose them. If they die... i..." said the soldier. "Don't worry, it's normal for you to think that way so as Damien." Said Gordon. "I felt sorry for him..." said the soldier. "So... you said we got a new elite squad?" asked gordon. "Ah... yes, the new elite squad will be led by amrun. He's already talented, he spend almost all his time just to be stronger." Said the soldier. "What about his squad? I heard the new member is a magic user." Said gordon. "Yes... well... only one, the other one is... we still don't know. Her name is Alisa Rose, her power is neither magic or science." Said the soldier. "Is that so... i will leave the rest to you... i don't feel too well for today. I'm taking a day off." Said Gordon. "Y..yes sir!" Said the soldier as gordon walk out of the room. Gordon mumbled "why? Why did you used it asuka? That schyte, is a magic weapon. It was found to be once a weapon for the magic user. Asuka, you know the risk. The power came from the user, the strength of the magic weapon did not only destroy your heart. It destroy damien's heart as well. The schyte was called as a bloody schyte for a reason. Still... damien your strength...

4 months ago: when fighting anonymous...

Damien's POV

I grabed anonymous face and lift him up, he can't do anything. I crushed his skull with my grip slowly, so he can understand the pain i felt right now. After i fully crushed his skull i pierced his chest and took his heart out of his chest. I ate his heart and i felt my strength has grown a lot. There are strange symbols on my face and my body, but i don't think it was the power of 'zombie'. I realized it was something else... but i didn't think much of it. I keep remembering asuka's face... tch... if only i know this kind of power sleep within me, asuka won't have to die... i'm sorry greg, matthew i can't protect you what am i going to say to tim, tina, and Amrun... "i'm sorry gordon... i quit from exile" i said. "What? Why?" Asked gordon. I didn't say anything to him and walk away

Back to present in the fortune city...

"Asuka... do you remember this place? We ate seafood here. It's my first time i ate a seafood... i wish you were still here with me and we can still ate seafood together again..." i said. "Heyyyyaaaa!!!!! Oooo.... well... it's been a long time righty?!?" Said a drunk woman. Who is this woman? Geez... you reek of alcohol! "Hey kid! I need a money to buy another alcohol! Give me more!" Said the drunk woman. "More what?" I asked. "Money... moneeey moneeey!!!" Said the drunk woman. "I don't have any, and i don't even know you." I said. "C'mon stop lying or i will hit you...!" Said the drunk woman as she lean on me. Urgh... this woman is really looking for a fight. "Say... have you gone taller?!? But we only haven't met for a year!!! Thats crazy!!!" Said the drunk woman. "Keep it down lady, people are looking at us y'know." I said. "But i'm hungry!!! Hungry!!!! HUNGRYYY!!!!!" Said the drunk woman. "Alright... alright..." i said. "Yey...!!! Thanks anoki!!" Said the drunk woman. Who's anoki? Is he the guy she thought i am. "Well how about this restaurant?" I asked as i pointed the seafood restaurant. "Okay!!! Thanks kid!!!" Said the drunk woman. Hahh... in the end i have to pay for her... wow i'm suprised after she drink a lot of alcohol, she hasn't passed out yet. This place is... where me and asuka... "Hey anoki...!!!" Said the drunk woman. I didn't respond at frist, but i realized that she thought i was anoki. "What?" I asked. "I'm about to passed out while i'm standing!!!! Watch!!!!" Said the drunk woman as she passed out on her feet. Wow... she really did passed out, wait the minute if she passed out, then... "Hey kid! Take this woman out, she's with you right? So carry her to her home." Said the manager of the restaurant. "Seriously...? Hahhh..." i exhaled as i carried her out of the restaurant. Wait where is her home? I checked her wallet, but she doesn't have any identification with her. Guess i'll just have to take her to my place. I just noticed that her hair is blue and she had a piercing on her mouth. Right now i lived in an abandon building, since i have no blanket, i used my jacket to keep her body warm. I don't need one since i'm a zombie.

The next day...

"Damien!! Damien!! Help me please!!!" Yelled asuka. "You're weak" said anonymous. "How could you let her die?!?" Asked tim. "I thought you promised that you are going to protect everyone and your friends." Said tina. "You let us die!" Said greg and matthew. "You're a liar" said amrun. "Pathetic!" Said asuka as i woke up from my dream. N... no... it's a nightmare. It's been 4 months and i still can't sleep. "Hey kid! You're not anoki!" Said the drunk woman. "Well you keep asking for money by the time i want to tell you that i'm not anoki." I said. "Is that so? Well i'm sorry, for the exchange i will tell you my name..." said the drunk woman. "No thanks." I replied quickly. "Right my name is... wait!!! You can't do that!!!" Said the drunk woman. "Why not?" I asked. "Well, i want to show you my gratitude. Now... i want to tell you my name, and maybe i'll give you my phone number if you want to make out." Said the drunk woman. "Nope, don't wanna. If you can repay my money back, then your debt is payed." I said. "Alright... fine can you tell me what your name? My name is Joanne eve." said the drunk woman. "My name is Damien Blake." I said.

The end of Part 9

Next time
Part 10: Joanne Eve (II)

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