Part 19: Free Will

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He's loosing control, if this keeps up he'll end up becoming a monster. Takeru's speed is incredible... i can't follow his speed at all. I was able to dodge some of his attacks, but i can't find any opening. Tch... what should i do? Takeru jumped and try to swung his katana. Now is the best chance to attack him! I grabbed both his arm, there is no way he can beat me in strength. I use my mouth to take his katana of from him and kick him away. I finally got his katana! I saw takeru beginning to lose his consciusness.

"Damien... y... you... wh... what... are... you...?" Asked takeru as he passed out.

"Well... at least i was able to calm him down a bit..." i said.

Wait... something is not right about this katana... somehow i feel like this katana wants me to throw itself away from me...

"Good...! Now finish him! And get your reward!" Said the old man coming out of nowhere.

"Why do i have to kill him?!?" I asked

"It is part of your trial... do you want to protect your friends and save your sister or not?" Asked the old man.

"Of course i want to, but..." i said with hesitation.

"That is order!" Shout the old man.

".............. screw that! There are thousands of way for me to get stronger without killing anyone. But that's not all, something tells me i have to keep him alive." I said as i tried to punch the oldman, but he dodge it.

"Hehe... hehehe... hahahahahahaha!!!" Laugh the oldman.

"What are you laughing at?!?" I asked

"Is that your own free will?" Asked the old man.

"Of course it is! Why else do i fight you?!?" I asked.

"I didn't think there is someone like you." Said the old man.

"What?" I asked.

"Well... you're both rare... that's all i need to know." Said the old man.

"So you tried to make us fight to the death just for your own ego?" I asked.

"I could've stoped both of you anytime i want. Now bring him in!" Said the old man.

"Tch... cocky old man..." i said with irritating voice.

"Well... it looks like i'll be teaching three students for a long time." Said the old man.

"Three?" I asked

"You'll soon meet her in the house." Said the old man.

"Now that you mention it... where are we?" I asked.

"We're in different realm. I teleported the two of you, in case you will destroy my house. It looks like my prediction is right..." said the old man. For some reason i keep calling him old man, even though i know he's master gin. I brought takeru and his katana as well. When i put his katana back to takeru, all the chains appeared again.

"Stand closer to me." Said the old man.

"Are we going back?" I asked.

The old man closed his eyes and lights are coming out of the ground. It's so bright and the next thing i know we're back to the top of the mountain.

"Isla... heal the wounded boy!" shout the old man.

"Yes master!" Shout a girl voice. She jumped from the second floor and carried takeru away.

"You should rest..." said the old man.

"Wait! I want to train now!" I shout.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Asked the old man.

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