Part 15: The Fortune Teller

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At the heaquarter...

"Gordon! You need to see this!" Shout alisa. "See what?" Asked gordon. "Take a look at the photo from the satelite." Said alisa. "What in the world?! Did that earthquake just split our entire country into half?" Said gordon. "What could've happened?" Asked alisa. "I don't know, but right now i have a mission for you alisa. Take natalie and tina with you. You're in charge of this mission. Amrun and eve can't support you, they were on a different mission this time." Said gordon. "What mission? Why all of the sudden? And what about tim?" Asked alisa. "You have to find damien blake. See if he's okay... You can say that he's the former captain of the elite squad before amrun. Tim will be here to keep a watch on our headquarter. Seeing the country have splitted into two, the governent won't stay quiet. They will check this country, and if they find us, our efforts to fight the governent will lost." Said gordon. "Who's damien? And i don't even know what he looks like." Said alisa. "Unfortunately our data of him has been destroyed since the last attack from the governent. Don't worry... tina will be with you. She's a friend of damien's." Said gordon. "Alright... where and when do you want me to go?" Asked alisa. "This GPS will be the location of Damien and i want you to go as soon as possible." Said gordon. "Right, we'll be on our way in 15 minutes." Said alisa. "Good, make sure you're prepared." Said gordon as alisa left the room. "Damien... be safe..." mumbled gordon.

At Junk City...

"Hmmm... this place sure is full of junk, no wonder they called this city a junk city. First of all... i need to buy something to eat for yuka. The thing is... where can i find a money? Maybe i should register myself as bounty hunter?" I mumbled. I looked to a wall and there is a bounty on my head. "What the heck? 472.000.000 silver on my head!! Thats crazy!! I haven't even done anything to the governent. O wait... i did, but i always covered my track. Hah... if a bounty hunter sees me, i'm sure they will try to kill me. Although it's pointless." I mumbled again. "Damien, i'm hungry... aren't you hungry?" Asked yuka. Right... if she's with me, her life will be in danger. Right now i will at least cover my face with my mask. "Yeah... let's look for money first." I said. "Hello there little girl... want to see your future?" Asked a fortune teller. "My future? Like what?" Asked yuka. "Who will you fall in love with and your father's location." Said the fortune teller. "Really?!?" Said yuka. "Come to my place if you're curious girl." Said the fortune teller. "Lets go damien!" Said yuka. "But we don't have any money." I said. "Don't worry... it's free..." said the fortune teller. "See...! Lets go damien!" Said yuka. "Well as long as we don't have to pay." I said.

We entered to the fortune teller's place. "So... finally we meet each other damien. I'm sorry yuka, the part where i said i know where your father, is a lie." Said the fortune teller. "What...? No!" Said yuka as she started to cry. "As my apology i will give you some food." Said the fortune teller. A bunch of maid entered the room and brought us lots of food. It doesn't seemed like a trap. Why are you treating us like you know us? "Wow.... it looks good! I forgived you already!" Said yuka as she began to eat. "As for you damien... i have busnisess with you." Said the fortune teller. Wait the minute... how did she know our name? "What is it? Are you a bounty hunter? It's pointless to kill me. Even i tried to kill myself, but it never worked." I said. "Hahaha...! Do i looked like a bounty hunter?" asked the fortune teller. "Well for now i will introduce myself. I am Jessica. Damien... Your parents doesn't even have the time to give you a name. But now you have one." Said the fortune teller. "What? You knew my parents?" I asked. "I bet you have so many questions right now." Said jessica. "Not really... i just want to know if they're alright." I said. "Thats all? You don't want to know who you are? Where you come from? And what ARE you?" Said the fortune teller. "Of course i want to know that, but i'm glad that they left me. Because i have friends now... i have a reason to live... i no longer have a desire to know why my parents left me in the first place... instead of that... i want to know how to get stronger..." i said.

"Hah... you are very different than your father and your mother. But i think you've mistaken it. The answer to you need is... not how to be stronger... the real question is... how to control your power." Said jessica. "What do you mean? I'm still weak! I need more power!" I said. "Hah... you still don't get it do you? Remember the ground that you split? You just split the entire country with just one punch. And believe it or not you still can go far beyond that." Said jessica. "I split the country? But thats impossible!" I said. "For a human... yes... but you're not a human. Your human form is only a seal. Your true form is... well inside you. But i can't believe that those scientist just make you an immortal. You're already strong, but now you can't be killed, thats the worst mistake they've ever done." Said jessica. I really don't know what to say... i didn't think i'm actually more scarrier than i thought. So... what am i? "Hahaha...! Look at your face. You're totaly clueless right now. Am i right?" Said jessica. "Tell me more about myself!" I said. "Hahaha...! I'm sorry... but first... i want to ask you a question." Said jessica. "What? I'm the one who really need an answer right now. What can you gain from asking me?" I asked.

"Patience... the question is...
Which do you prefer?
1. Destroy the world
2. Protect this world
So... choose!" Said jessica. "What do you mean by destroying the world? Is this a joke?!? Because it's not funny at all!" I shout. "Answer the question damien..." said jessica. "Tch... well i rather protect the world." I said. "Why? Didn't you hate the governent for what they did?" Asked jessica. "Of course i do. But there are still inocent people in this world. And most importantly... i still have my friends that i wanted to protect." I said. "I see..." said jessica with dissapointed face. "I was hoping that you would destroy the world... but i guess it's you who decide your own fate." Said jessica. Jessica put her finger on my forehead. "What did you do to me?" I asked. "I recovered your seal... you said you wanted to protect this world right? The only thing that shorten this world's life is you." Said jessica. "For real? So... is my seal recovered yet?" I asked. "Luckily only 2% of your seal have broken. But remember... what makes your seal broken is your mental. Madness... hatred... anger... don't let them get to you anymore alright? They're the cause of your seal is starting to broken." Said jessica. "Thanks... i can't thank you enough." I said. "I'll gave you some clothes and jackets. And some money... but that's as far as i can give you. You can ask your sister, if you need nore answer. I don't know much about you, but your sister does." Said jessica. "I have a sister?!" I asked. "Well i don't know where she is, but you will met her soon..." said jessica. "I can't believe it... i have a sister all this time? Is she older than me or younger than me?" I asked. "Younger... but she's different than you." Said jessica. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Remember when i asked you to choose if you want to protect or destroy this world? She choosed to destroy this world." Said jessica.

The end of Part 15

Next time
Part 16: Fate

I am a zombieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ