Part 16: Fate

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"What?!? Why?!?" I asked. "Well... that's her choice... i'm actually happy with her decision." Said jessica. "Why?!? Why are you happy with her decision!? That means you're going to die!" I shout. "Hah... do you really think this world is the only place for human to live?" Asked jessica. "What? What do you mean?" I asked. "This world is... a mistake. Of course there are other world born as a mistake. But there are some world who deserve to live. And this world is not one of them. So many world in this universe, yet no one is protecting it. It's kinda sad. The universe has gotten even weirder before you know it." Said jessica with a sad face. I can't take it all in.... first: i'm not a human, and second: there are other world? Have everything gone mad? "Do you hate this world?" I asked. "Hmm... 'hate' is not the right expression for it. How do i described it? I rejected it." Said jessica. "Now now.... don't get suprised yet, you haven't even heard your past yet." Said jessica. "My past? Can you tell me more? And what about my sister?" I asked. "I told you before... i don't know much about you either. But you were twins so... it's kinda hard to explain." Said jessica. "We're twins?" I asked. "Yeah, but you came out first." Said jessica.

"So... what happened after that?" I asked. "You're both came from another world damien." Said jessica. "Another world? Which one?" I asked. "I don't know... but i was there... watching both of you born." Said jessica. "And?" I asked again. "It was a success... or so we thought..." said jessica. "What happened?" I asked. "Your sister's power is indeed amazing... by the time she was born, we knew she had the power to destroy the world. But as long as we're here to guide her to the right path. There is nothing we should worry about. But you damien... your power is immeasurable... we know even if we put a seal on you, you still have the power to destroy the world. By the time we put a seal on you, your power was rejecting it. It was like, it has a mind of it's own. Your power killed some of us... and your parents as well..." said jessica. I'm trembling in fear of myself... i... killed my parents...? Wh... what the hell... "you're lying..." i said. "Unfortunately i'm not... now you understand why you think you are weak... your power was going wild back there. 'We' the great magicians have concentrated our powers to seal you by using a ritual. As we concentrate on the ritual, we keep watching our comrades getting killed by your power one by one. I was the last one and your power was about to kill me. Luckily... at the same time i finished the ritual... your father and your mother is dying after being attacked of your power... so they inherted their power to your sister. Because there is no doubt they're going to die. But even after that tragedy i remembered what your parents told you, 'Be safe my child. Protect this world... we always love you...' that's the last thing i heard from them. They used every bit of their power to teleport both of you to a random place. YOU however have walked into the right path. But... sadly your sister keep running through an endless pain. Betrayed, lost, and tortured. Of course you felt that too right? But 'asuka' saved you. Yet your sister never found a savior." Said jessica. I don't know what to say anymore... my power is too dangerous... but as soon as i heard my sister going through all that. All of my fear has gone. What kind of brother i am who can't even endured the pain that my sister has gone through, and even worse.

"Where is my sister?! I need to find her!" I asked. "Hoo... i just told you about your past that you killed your parents, and you were trembling in fear. But as soon as i told what happened to your sister, you changed your mind quiet fast." Said jessica. "Jessica... i'm sorry i killed your comrad--" i said but jessica cut my talk and shout "DON'T YOU DARE! YOU WERE STILL A BABY BACK THERE, BUT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR KILLING MY COMRADES!" Shout jessica and start to cry. "....... i will not try to understand the situation you were in, but i will never forget that you sacrificed your life just to keep me from destroying the world. I want to thank your comrades as well... but i know that i don't deserve to even see them. I know i'm a monster, it's my fault. But... at least let me make it up to you by prooving that i won't only save this world. i will protect the other world. The one that deserve to live and even the mistakes. I will not say sorry to you until i granted your wish." I said. "..... hahaha....! I didn't actually hate this world, I just reject it remember? It reminds me of the old days i used to do with my comrades. But you however, you don't reject the world. You rejected yourself. I take back what i said. You're just like your mother..." said jessica with a warm smile. "I promised i won't say sorry until i granted your wish!" I said again. "You don't need to... i already forgived you... your mother and i were best friend. I used to fight alongside with your mother. She's one talented warrior and i was a great magician... she rejected herself... just like you..." said jessica. "Wow... you were her best friend?" I asked. "Yeah... i keep telling to not reject herself. Just like you isn't it? Your father... he came from an unknown world. But it says that he came from an ancient world. I'm sorry, i don't know much about your father." Said jessica.

"It's more than enough thanks jessica. O... even if you forgived me already, i still will grant your wish." I said. "Hahaha...! I can't wait to see that day coming. O yeah one more thing... the two of you are destined to become the one who destroy this world or... the savior of this world." Said jessica. "Is that why you asked me to save this world or not?" I asked. "It's your fate damien. But don't let the prophecy get to you alright?" Said jessica. "Alright. By the way, do you know my sister's location?" I asked. "I don't know... but you will meet each other soon..." said jessica. "Right... thanks..." i said. "What are you going to do now?" Asked jessica. "I need to save my sister." I said. "That's impossible." Said jessica. "Why?" I asked. "That's because she's way stronger than you. You're no match for her." Said jessica. "Why do i need to defeat her?" I asked. "That's because she's with the governent." Said jessica. "What?!? Then i need to save her right away!" I said. "Right now even her own brother can't save her." Said jessica. "So... what am i supposed to do?" I asked. "Go to the east. You will find 'Great Mountains'. Find a mountain higher than the clouds and you'll find Master Gin. You said you wanted to be stronger? Then this is your chance." Said jessica. "Really? I can?" I asked. "Yeah... o... and tell him this, 'We the Great Magicians are the savior of this world. We are the light that will cleanse the world. We swear in our great name, we will protect the world from evil.' Can you remember all of that?" Asked jessica. "... can you repeat that again?" I asked. "Hahaha...! Don't worry i'll write it down. You resembles your mother a lot. I'm sure she's proud of you." Said jessica. "Thankyou jessica..." i said. "Well... let's go back to yuka..." said jessica. "Damien! I'm done eating!" Said yuka. "Whoa... you ate all of it? How much can you eat?" I asked. "That's rude. I saved some for you too!" said yuka. "Bones? Do you think i'm a dog or something?" I asked. "A cat." said yuka. "Cats don't eat bones!" I said. "Yes they do!" Said yuka. "No they're not!" I said.

The end of Part 16

Next time
Part 17: Journey

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