Part 6: Mental Overload

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Hi guys this is Glenn timtihy. I just want to let you guys know, that my story 'slayer' has been updated. And i would highly recommend taralthilien's story, You can check hers on my reading list. So thankyou so much for reading, And hope you guys enjoyed it. Also, I'm sorry that i haven't update this story for almost three days. And this is what anonymous looked like
Anonymous: Red hair, black eyes, 189cm, 15 years old.

Yesterday i fought a guy with a red hair, and his is name anonymous. He's the strongest enemy i've ever encountered. Even when i fought him, he's just playing with me and i don't even stand a chance. Each time i try to hit him, one of my arms and legs got destroyed. I still don't know how he did that. But thats not the worst case right now. Asuka joined the elite squad, which means her life is in danger more than ever. I tried to stop her, but in the end i was the reason why she joined my squad. My reason to join the elite squad is to prevent more death and sacrifice. But in the end i'm just getting my friends more trouble.

I was working on the report for Gordon. At that night i finshed my report already and gave my report to Gordon. "Got anything for me Gordon?" I asked. "No, we don't have anything yet. Besides you need to take a day off." Said Gordon. "You mean resting for a day? Thats kinda boring." I said. "Well... i don't think so. We'll see." Said Gordon. I never know how he thinks or what he's planning. I decided to go back to my room. "Where's amrun?" I asked. "I don't know, but lately he's been gone." Said tina. "You know damien... it's nice to have you here again. It's been a long time since we talked." Said tim. "Well... i never hope us to be seperated. Sorry..." i said. "Hahaha... it's ok, no matter what happens we are still your friends." Said tim. "Brother is right, we're always together." Said tina. "Thanks..." I said and smiled at them. Asuka came in to the room. "Hey Damien! Do we have any mission for today?" Asked asuka. "No... besides i have to cool myself down for today. It's just that, i don't have anything to do." I said to her. "Hmmm.... you don't have anything to do huh? How about we get a fresh air?" Asked asuka. "To where?" I asked. "To fortune city, it's not that far from here. You guys wanna come along too?" Asked asuka. "Sorry but i was just about on my way to guarding the headquarters." Said tim. "Well... i'm a nurse, i don't have any time to go get a fresh air." Said tina. "Well i guess it's only you and me." Said asuka pointing at me. "O yeah... lets use your new motorbike." Said asuka. "Wait... they're done with my motorbike?" I asked. "Yep, c'mon! I can't wait!" Said asuka.

We went outside and get my new motorbike. I'm riding it of course and asuka sit in the back. I turned on my motorbike and the engine is pretty loud. "Hold on tight!" I said. "To what?" Asked asuka. "To me!" I said. "W..wha... are you serious?!?" Asked asuka. "Yeah!" I grabbed asuka's hands around me. "Alright! Don't let go!" I said. I ride my motorbike and it's pretty fast. I looked back and see her face's red. "Hey! Everything okay back there?!?" I asked. "U..umm yea... i'm okay..." said asuka. I wonder what's wrong with her. "Damien you're back is warm..." said asuka whispering. "What was that?!? I can't hear you!" I asked. "N..nothing!! Hahahaha!!!" She laughed. She's acting weird today. We finally arrived at fortune city. I parked my motorbike in the parking side.

When we walked, There's a lot of people in this city." I said. "Of course it is. It's one of the most peaceful city there is." Said asuka. "So what are we going to do now?" I asked. "Let's take a walk first." Said asuka. "Okay." I replied. When i was walking, i can't imagine just how peaceful this city is. It's really nice just to see people using a happy face everywhere. "I'm guessing you're having fun right now?" Asked asuka. "What makes you say that?" I asked. "We already know each other for four years. Of course i know, you liked to see other peoples to be happy. You're always like that... you always want other people to be happy. But i never saw you do anything for yourself." Said asuka. "Is that what you think of me? You're right, i do like to see other people to be happy. But the part where you said i never do anything for myself is wrong. I'm doing it because i like it, thats all." I said. "Hahaha... thats so you." Said asuka giggling. When we're walking we saw a seafood restaurant so we decided to go eat there. It seems asuka was here before. She said that the meal here is really delicious. We ate together and it tastes amazing. I never eat a seafood before so i don't know how it taste like, since we're far away from the sea. "It's getting dark, should we head back to the headquarter?" I asked. "Nah.. i don't think so. We should hang around more. Besides it's your day off." Said asuka. "Okay." I said. We walked around more. The city is so beautiful when it's night. There's light coloring all over the city. Without realising we already grabing each others hand. And When we realised, we let go of our hand and blush. "S..sorry." i said. "You don't have to say sorry, it's... it's not your fault." Said asuka. "We should head back." I said. "Y..yeah..." said asuka.

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