Part 14: Madness, Anger, and Hatred

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Hi guys, so... i was about to update the new story i got a week ago. We haven't made our final decision yet, so maybe it will take time longer then i thought it would be. I'm sorry guys, but i will published it someday. O...also check out my friend's story TaraIthiliell. And if you guys are looking for good indonesia's story check out my friend's story mattdom. Enjoy the new part!

Back to damien's POV
5 days later...(from the last part)

"Weak! You want to protect everyone, but you can't even protect your friends!" Said matthew. "How can you let us die!? Didn't you promised us that you will protect us!?!" Said greg. "You're a liar!" Shout asuka. "You ate us! But you didn't saved anyone." Said the soldiers. "I'm... i'm sorry..." i said. "Please... make the noise gone. I can't stand it... peoples are crying... SHUUUT UUP!!!" I shout. I woke up and found myself full of sweat, but thats not all... it seems that i split the ground with my fist. The split of the ground are very far and also deep. I can't even see where it ended. I did this? With a single punch? Nah... it can't be. It's probably just an earthquake. But i'm pretty lucky that i didn't fell down from the huge crack in the ground when i was asleep. The crack is very deep and there is no end to it, but i saw lava in the deep crack. I should get out of here before the lava starts coming out. The lava is slowly coming out to the surface, so i need to find a higher place. I must find a place to stay and find myself a power. "Stronger... stronger..." that's all i think right now.

I sensed someone is looking at me behind a tree. "I know you're there. Come out from behind that tree." I said. "I'm sorry... are you alright?" Asked a girl's voice. The thing is... she's naked. "Ummm... you're naked." I said. "Indeed i am." Said the girl. This feels awkward, we're only staring at each other for ten seconds. "So... um... aren't you going to be angry?" I asked. "Why should i?" Asked the girl. "Because you're a girl." I said. This is really really awkward. I tried my best so i can't look at her naked body. "I don't mind at all." Said the girl. "But i do mind." I said as i walked toward her. "Here, use my jacket. Without anything to wear, you will catch a cold too." I said as i gave her my jacket. She wore my jacket and it's a good thing she's pretty short, my body is pretty tall. It's enough to cover her body and her legs. "By the way... why are you naked?" I asked. "I never wore anything since i was born." Said the girl. "Why?" I asked. "Because my dad never told me to." Said the girl. "And who's your dad?" I asked. I can't even imagine that a father can be so careless to his own daughter. "Byakko." Said the girl. "Byakko? Thats a weird name." I said. "Thats because he's not a human. He's a guardian." Said the girl. "A guardian?" I asked. "Let's just say that he's a spirit guardian. I don't know much aboit him." Said the girl. "So... where is he?" I asked. "He left me, he said to me 'you need to see what the real world's like with your own eyes'." Said the girl. Wow.... that's the most irresponsible father. Well... i guess she's like me... abandoned by our own parents.

"Can i ask you something?" I asked. "What is it?" Asked the girl. "Why are you hiding behind the tree?" I asked. "When i saw you sleeping you begin to shout someone's name. If i remembered correctly, it was 'asuka'?" Said the girl. "Did i?" I asked. "And after that you started raging and shout 'shut up!'. But you also punched the ground at the same time and split the ground. Are you a human?" Asked the girl. So i was the one who split the ground? But how? I didn't know that my power can be this strong. "I can't say i'm a human, but it's better if i don't know what i am." I said. "So... what's your name?" Asked the girl. "My name is damien. What's yours?" I said. "Yuka. Nice to meet you damien." Said the girl. "We should probably find a village or a city. This place is dangerous. The lava might come out but there is not telling that it would come out or not. At least a place where we can buy you some clothes. Without anything to wear, i'm sure you will catch a cold." I said. "Achoo!" Yuka sneezed. "See what i mean? Let's go." I said.

We were walking for two hours. But since it was snowing, it's hard to see because of the snow storm. The storm is getting worse and worse. "Let's go find a cave or a cabin." I said. "There i see it!" Said yuka. There was a cabin in front of the forest. We decided to stay there for a night. "Damien, how old are you?" Asked yuka. "15 or 16 maybe. I never knew when i was born." I said. "Wow... i thought you were older then me." Said yuka. "How old are you?" I asked. "10, but i don't think i will be as tall as you." Said yuka. "We should rest, tommorow we'll find a city to buy you some clothes maybe a jacket too." I said. "Okay." Replied yuka. "Here take my shirt so you can keep your body warm." I said as i gave took of my shirt. "Thanks, but what about you?" said yuka. "This is nothing to me. Just rest ok?" I said. "Okay" said yuka.

When we were sleeping. I saw her shivering and she can't sleep at all. "Hey are you alright?" I asked. "Yeah just feeling a bit cold." Said yuka. "Can i hug you damien?" Asked yuka. "Yeah sure." I said. She hugged me pretty tight. I guess she really are freezing. I huged her so she will stop shivering. It seems like she can sleep now.


I woke up in the same position. It's a good thing i didn't have any nightmare this time. "Wake up yuka it's time to go." I said. "Mmm.... father... please.... don't.... leave me...." said yuka and tears started to coming out from her eyes. ... should i wake her up? "Father!" She shout as she wake up. "O... it's morning already?" Asked yuka. "Yeah let's go." I said. We continued our journey to find a city nearby. The wind storm is over so we see clearly now. Suprisingly there's a city not far from here.

At junk city...

"Hmmm... he just split the entire country with a single punch. Is that why he was sealed? I sensed it, it's starting to broken. Why? He's... anger, madness and hatred are the cause that his seal is starting to broke." Mumbled a fortune teller with smile. "Magnificent! Such destructive power! Now! Let's see if i should meet him or not hahaha! Well... your son is one amazing kid! It's only a matter of time before he met his sister." Laughed the fortune teller.

The end of Part 14

Next time
Part 15: The Fortune Teller

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