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Phil's P.O.V
"Dan can you help me please?" I asked him. I needed to tell him some day.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking into my eyes with worry. Is this a hint he loves me too?

"Um... W-well I can't seem to upload our newest video." I stuttered. Why does he have to be so damn gorgeous!?

"Here let me see Philly." I felt my heart flutter every time he called my Philly or Philip.

He got the mouse and started to click things. I didn't realize what because he was right in front of me. I looked at him from the chair on the desk and saw that he was looking to. I smiled and looked away feeling my cheeks burn.

"There it should upload already." He smiled and patted my back.

"Good. So Dan what will we do now?" I asked him. Maybe I should tell him now. Maybe I shouldn't even tell him. I don't even know if he feels the same way. God why is this so hard!?

"Phil? Did you hear me?" Asked Dan. Poop no I didn't.

"Uh no I didn't hear you sorry I spaced out." I shrugged nervously.

"Its okay Phil." He chuckled. "Anyways I said that we can go somewhere if you wanna." He shrugged.

"Hm... Okay then I don't know where......maybe the carnival they have here this week?" I said mostly as a question to see if he's comfortable with it.

"Sure. What time?" He asked while smiling and looking into my eyes. Thank you God for making him.

"I don't know maybe in the morning." I shrugged looking away.

"Sure just make sure it's not that early Philly!" He yelled walking into his bedroom.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. Jesus Christ! Help me. Am I gay? Or do I just love him? Oh god.....what will he say? Phil...Phil....Phil...calm yourself you need some sleep go to bed. I sighed and went under the covers. "I should tell him in a video......maybe even kiss him?" I smiled. The last thing I remembered before I drifted off to sleep was me kissing Dan.

*Next Morning*

Dan's P.O.V

I woke up to Phil babbling on about being late to the carnival. I smiled thinking to myself. I wonder what would happen if we weren't best friends? Naw nothing important probably.

"Dan hurry up! Its 10:43! They open at 12:00!" He yelled from his bedroom. I sighed and got up from bed in only my checkered boxers. I was about to put on a Muse T-shirt when I heard Phil come in.

"Oh... S-sorry." He stuttered and left in a flash.

"Well that was weird." I shrugged and put my clothes on. When I left my bedroom I got the camera. Maybe we can vlog? I can ask Philly. Shit Dan call him Phil not Philly. Stop reading fan fiction from Tumblr!

"Phil?" I called out. No "Phil!?" I yelled.

"Boo!" I heard him scream I yelled too.

"Damn it Phil! I'm gonna get a stroke because of you!" I punched him in the arm and he yelped.

"As I was going to say.... If you want we can vlog about it?" I asked him. He looked and me and I think I saw his cheeks redden. Pfft no.

"So is that a yes?" I asked after a few seconds.

"Y-yeah I'll go get mine too." He stuttered. Why does he stutter so much? Is he nervous? Maybe its just the fans. I shrugged and got my jacket.

"Phil hurry up I'm getting out the door!" I yelled getting out.

Dan's Coma (phanfic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now