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The pov's are going to change!! Sharon! especially for you.

Dan's POV

"Do I know you?" I asked this stranger. He shook his head no.

"No...no you don't." He looked down to his feet.

I swear I've seen him before. Where? Where though? He looks like I've seen him seriously.

"So uh.. how'd you get here?" He asked me.

"Long story, but I tried to kill myself because of a family member."

"And you?" I asked him.

"I got in a car crash. But I never knew I would end up here."

There was a few moments of awkward silence before they guy spoke again.

"Was it your dad?" He asked.

"Excuse me?" I looked at him confused.

"Your dad his fault you're here?"

Dad...he's my fucking dad.


Phil's POV
I woke up on the couch in Dan's room. I keep forgetting he's in a coma. Its been eight yes eight months since he's been in a coma.

"Dan.. I love you. Please don't die on me." I heard him moan. I smiled. He's going to make it.

I kissed him on the cheek and left to go get coffee.

I stumbled across a couple of fans, but when they mentioned Dan I changed the subject.

As I was walking back to Dan's room my phone rang. I got it and the caller I.D said it was PJ.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Phil!" PJ breathed in deeply like he was running.


"Its Dan! He got out of the coma."

I froze in my spot. Dan... he's okay!

Dan's POV
He's my dad! The stranger is my father!

"You! You're the one that got me here!" I yelled at him. "I hate you! Fuck off!" I turned around and started to run.

"Wait! Dan! I'm sorry for everything. I- I don't hate you... I hate myself. I just kept you like that because my father did that! He hated gays.. I was one.. So I was forced to marry your mom.." I froze in my spot.

"That still doesn't give you the right to do that to me.. I still and always will hate you! Me and Phil aren't together because of me trying to kill myself because of you! You're the reason I'm in this coma.. I might not even make it out."

"Uh Dan? You're disappearing." I looked at my hands and he was right.

Phil's POV
"He's okay??" I asked PJ through the phone running through the halls.

"Yeah!" PJ replied.

"Oh God I can finally see him! I need a moment" I hung up, and I opened the door to find Dan sitting up.

"Dan!" I walked up to him and hugged him. I felt tears brim my eyes. I didn't stop them.

"Dan I missed you. I love you Dan right? You know that?" I stopped hugging him and was about to lean in to kiss him, but he pushed me away.

"Uh? Do I know you?"

"Its me Phil." I laughed nervously.

"I don't know you." He said bluntly.

"Dan. Me Phil? Your roommate and boyfriend?" At this point tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"Uh.. I'm dating a guy? I mean you are cute, but I don't even remember how I got here."

"You tried to kill yourself.. and well you were in a coma." I was practically sobbing.

"Y- you have amnesia." I stuttered.

"Dude.. I think you need sometime alone.." He laughed.

"Yeah.. I need to go." I left crying. Him alone in the room as I got out my phone. But I put it back away. I went to a restroom and went inside a stall. I had taken a razor from the room. I looked at my arm and its old scars. I cut over them. Oh it felt good doing this again. Blood started to drip, but I didn't care I didn't cut deep. I cried more. Dan how? Why God why did you make my life more difficult? I cut new scars and wiped away some blood before leaving back.

hahahahahahah *hides away from people* I'm sorry I needed to do this really sad part. sorry it was short and stuff but I didn't know what to write. 704 words!!

Dan's Coma (phanfic) {COMPLETED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora