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Phil's POV
I didn't know where to go. I just ran from Dan. He was kissing someone else and it was a girl. I don't know if he was completely gay though. Just the thought makes me hate him more.

"Phil?" I turned around and saw the boy from last time.

"Hey kid." I sniffed.

"What happen?" He wobbled closer to me.

"Something... I never got your name what is it?" I tried changing the subject.

"Its James." Great...

I took this time to examine the boy. He had brown hair, green eyes, he was a bit darker than me, he had a mole on his face, and he was wearing a black shirt with black jeans.

Wait... this looks like Dil. What the hell..

"You look like- never mind."

"So what happened?" He asked.

I sighed. "I saw Dan kissing someone else. And it was a girl I met."

"Did he explain what was happening?"

"I- I didn't let him. I slapped him and ran away."

I could see the kid struggle with standing. "Wanna sit down over there?" I pointed to a bench.

He nodded and I slowed my pace to walk next to him.

We finally sat down, and he put his crutches down.

"Why didn't you let him explain?" He turned to face me.

"I was mad! He was kissing someone else! What was he going to say 'Hey Phil I'm kissing her because I wanted something to do!?' No he wont!" I yelled. I sighed I didn't know I was gonna yell.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so confused." I whispered.

"Its okay. He's over there." He pointed to the hallway I ran from.

"Let him explain himself." James patted my back.

"Wait how do you know who Dan is?"

"I watch your videos." He smiled. "I need to go. See you around Phil."

"Bye James." I smiled.

James got up and wobbled away to the elevator.

I stood there watching him, waiting for him to leave.

"Phil!" I turned around and saw Dan.

He ran faster to me yelling my name. He stop in front of me and breathed loudly.

"Phil.." He stared in my eyes

"Daniel." I sniffed.

"Phil." He sighed. "I'm sorry okay? She just came inside my room and asked if I remember her. I told her I didn't and to fuck off. She yelled at me and kept yelling I yelled back she came closer I came closer she leaned in and kissed me. Iswearphilidonthavefeelingsforher!"

"Dan! Calm down. You said that way to fast. Start from when she yelled at you."

He took deep breath.

"Okay. She yelled and told me that she knows about the baby. I- I yelled back just to tell her to leave. She didn't though. She came closer to me, and so did I. She was the one that leaned in and kissed me. But I swear Phil. I d-"

"Did you kiss her back?" I interrupted Daniel.


"Did you kiss her back?" I said louder.

"No.. yes.. yes I did." He admired.

I nodded. "Okay I see. And you say you don't have feelings for her?" I confirmed.

"No, I don't Phil. I love you."

"Okay." I whispered.

"What was the thing you were going to tall me?"

"Oh. That I was going to.. before the coma. All this mess... I was going to."

"Ask to marry me."

"Wh- how did you know?" He asked surprised.

"I saw the ring."


There was a few moments of silence. I was looking at the floor, and I could feel Dan's eyes on me.

"Dan?" I lifted my head.

"Yeah Phil?"

I hugged him and whispered, "That proposal is still up right?"

He nodded.

"I do.."

Happy chapter!!1!1
I dedicate this to my best friend Sharon (sharon_kitten9) I hope you enjoy! Please vote and follow. Comment if you have questions! Bye ilygsm

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