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Okay so read the last chapter! I don't want you guys to get confused but if u do ask questions in the comments and I promise I'll answer them! Any questions even if its about me! Thank you


Phil's POV
After Dan asked me the question about the baby it got kind of awkward. It was quiet, but I broke it when I went to get food.

"Dan you want food?" I got up from the bed. I was sitting next to him.

He laughed. "I really want maltesers."

I laughed back. "I don't think they have them in a hospital."

He shrugged. "Can you go to the store?" He fiddled with his fingers.

I sighed. "They wont let me come in with them, but I can try to hide them." I replied surely.

"Thanks." He smiled at me. Oh how I missed that smile of his.

"Ba- I mean Phil when you come back I want to ask you something." I nodded as a reply and left out the door.

I walked to the elevator with my hands in my pocket. What does he want to tell me? Is it about the proposal? The baby? Does he want to work things out?

"Ugh! I cant take this anymore!" I yelled. I dropped to my knees right in front of the elevator. I started to cry really hard. Thinking about places me and Dan should be.

"Sir? Are you okay?" A kid in crutches wobbled over to me. I sniffed and stood up.

"Uh.. yeah in fine." I dusted off my pants and faked a smile.

"I can see through you ya know." He looked at me with his head tilted.

"W-what?" I blinked.

"A guy you like." He smiled.

"Uh I need to go kid." I pressed the elevator button, and started to wait for it to come up.

"See you around Phil."

I turned around to ask the kid how he knew my name, but he was lone gone.

I know its shirt but I updated no? I'm sorry I just am really busy but ill update to. If you have any questions write it down in the comments and I promise you ill answer you back. Please vote and recommend this story we have 1k views whaaaaaat!? Thanks I love y'all haha =•=

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