Locus x Reader (TODDLER)

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Locus x Reader (TODDLER)

It was around 2:00 in the morning, and (y/n) could not sleep. Locus on the other hand, was sleeping peacefully. Little (y/n) grabbed the door knob. Her mommy always said to just open the door if it was an emergency. That didn't work out so well last time when she found York & Carolina on the bed.

The 5 year old hopped onto the bed and started poking Locus.

"Wocus." She whispered. Locus stirred in his sleep. (y/n) huffed and poked him harder.

"Woci!" She whisper-shouted. Locus' eyes were now open, staring at (y/n).

"What?" Locus said sleepily, his tiny arms & legs sprawled across the bed.
(y/n) lay next to Locus.

"Woci I have bad dream." She pouted and Locus had a small smile. Locus always found (y/n) adorable, since she was 5 and he was 6. Locus thought that 6 was way higher than 7.

Locus held out his short arms for
(y/n). She quickly dove into them, cuddling in Locus' chest.

Locus now had a big smile across his face. "Don't worry, I protect you from mwonsters." Locus whispered fiercely. (y/n) giggled.

"Goodnight Wocus." (y/n) said sleepily, falling asleep in his arms.

"Goodnight princwess." He whispered to himself, thinking that
(y/n) was not awake.

She smiled, then fell asleep.
Omg I was squealing this is so adorable for some reason. ☺️
Thanks for reading!

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