North x Sota: Sleep-Talk

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For: A_Caboose_Girl

North shyly glanced at Sota, who was currently occupied by Theta's tablet that the childish AI had created.

North hadn't bothered to use it much, but Sota sure did like it. She kept scrolling through files that North didn't even know existed.

But that's where North paused. Files. Files that...

Theta had recorded North sleep-talking.

North mentally face-palmed. The man being a very delicate, sweet, defensive, brave, adorable, ho- Ok you get the point, he would never scold Theta for this.

So, Sota just kept on swiping until she found a video. A sly grin came upon her face, Sota's azure blue eyes brightening with mischief.

North quickly tried to snatch the tablet, but Sota quickly pulled it back and ran towards the locker rooms, trying to find a place to watch the video.

Once Sota had found a place to hide, she started scrolling. Soon, the red-headed sweetheart came across one video in particular, the thumbnail a picture of...


Sota snickered and immediately pressed play.

"This issss mah bae-" North mumbled sleepily, his eyes still shut. Theta giggled childishly, pulling up a holographic picture of Sota next to North's head.

Sota burst out into a fit of laughter, only to pause abruptly when the door to the closet she was currently hiding in opened. North stood there, arms folded, cheeks red.

Sota sighed, handing the tablet to North. "Thanks for the show, 'bae." Sota teased, making air quotes. North just grumbled with a playful glare directed at his crush.

What a great day.

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