Palomo x Bitters: Favorite Color

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"I swear to god, if you don't shut up Palomo I will kill you." Bitters groaned in annoyance as Palomo babbled on about how his favorite colors were Aqua and Orange.

"Wait- why orange?" Bitters interrupted his friend's rant about vanilla ice cream. At this point, Palomo was regretful of taking of his helmet, due to the fact his face was practically burning red.

"Uh- cause- th- that's your co-lor..." Palomo stuttered quietly, his blue eyes meeting Bitters' orange ones. Bitters smirked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Is that so?" Bitters teased.

Palomo grumbled under his breath but was cut off shortly when Bitters crashed his lips against Palomo's. Palomo responded immediately, running a hand through Bitters' black hair. Bitters played with the loose strands of brown hair on the back of Palomo's head.

Bitters pulled away, giving a cute smile to Palomo. They were about to create a make out session until Donut and Doc squealed behind them.

"OMG! I'm posting this on base book!" Donut squealed as he did jazz hands. Doc chuckled.

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