Doc x Donut: Selfie

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"Hey Doc! Let's take a selfie!" Donut squealed. Doc gave his best friend/crush a confused look.

"What's a selfie?" Doc asked, pushing up his glasses. Donut grinned. "It's a picture you take of yourself or with friends!" Doc's heart dropped inside. Friend?

Donut basically just friend zoned Doc without even knowing it. Doc tried not to show it, but Donut being Donut, he saw right through Doc's façade.

"Or crushes." Donut mumbled quietly. Doc heard, his head perking up at the sound of Donut's soft voice.

"Selfie?" Doc said, trying to light up the mood. He pulled out his phone and grinned, and Donut returned that grin. They took multiple pictures, trying every pose they could think of.

"Ooh, ooh! I know! This is my favorite pose!" Donut squealed as he took a last picture. Doc tried to protest but his crush placed a long kiss on his lips, forgetting to take a picture.

After they pulled away, Doc frowned. "We forgot to take a picture!" He said.

Caboose smiled childishly. "Don't worry guys! I took it for you!" Caboose exclaimed, holding his camera.

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