Part 69 :>

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No, this is not smut but since you are all waiting for an update, here's a short Locus X reader!




Still ignored.


Your boyfriend  turned his head towards you, an eyebrow arched and his stormy blue eyes piercing through you. He was pissed because you decided to take him to a night club in the city. As far as you knew, he hated night clubs or maybe just socializing in general.

"Come on, cheer up. It wasn't that bad." You leaned against broad shoulder, not noticing how his breath hitched.

"Someone spilled their drink on me and tried to unbutton my shirt." Sam muttered, now looking out the window.

"Okay, other than that!" You giggled quietly.

Sam pretended to be deep in thought, "Well... Other than that, it's super humid in there."

"Well duh, it's a nightclub." You winked at him. He didn't answer.

"Forgive me?" You pouted.

He chuckled, throwing an arm around you and leaning down to whisper in your ear, "You better make it up to me when we get home."

The rest of the car ride you were flustered.
Part 2?

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