Maine x Reader: Hang On

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This wasn't your Maine that you loved in Project Freelancer. The Meta was a hell spawn. His AI corrupted his feelings for you, his concern and love, all of that was now hidden behind a thick layer of dust Sigma was holding on to.

That AI took your Maine away from you. He made him... Insane. And not like Dr. Grey insane. Like... Sociopathic insane.

You knew it wasn't him. It wasn't your love. The one that would hold you close when you had those nightmares, or when you 2 would kiss quickly when no one was around. He allows followed you around, making sure no one touched you and you stayed safe.

That was the Maine you loved. But those feelings, lost their form of meaning. You hated Sigma dearly. You hated him for changing the only man in your life that loved you for who you were.

You were a oddball. A misfit in a professional program for military tactics and skilled soldiers. Sure, you were skilled and trained very well, but no one really included you in any activities except Maine.

I guess it's just a memory you have to hang on.  

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