Bitters x Reader: Lazy Day

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You lay in your boyfriend's arms, bored. "Bitters!" You whined. He looked up from his phone, his dark brown hair a mess. He bit his lip, chewing on his lip piercing.

"What?" He asked huskily, still a little tired from last night. (No, you dirty reader. You and him just stayed up late eating icecream.)

"I'm gonna die of boredom." You gasped dramatically, hanging your head down in his lap. Bitters rolled his eyes, smiling slightly.

"I can fix that." Bitters said, his orange eyes shining. He gave you that kind of grin and you gave it back.

"LAZY DAY!" You both screamed. You heard a cat screech outside and glass breaking. Bitters chuckled, "Uhm... Oops?"

You shrugged, "Meh. Happens everytime anyways." Bitters nodded, agreeing.

"Let's go get some food." You said happily, dragging him down the stairs. He grinned and went to the fridge while you went to the pantry.

There was lots of choices.
Hot Cheetos? Meh.
Hot Cheeto Puffcorns? Hell yeah!
Doritos? Yup.
Fritos? Nah.
Oreos? Oh my god yes.
Pringles? Yas.

You carried all of this into the fort you made 2 days ago with Caboose. Bitters dived in the fort, carrying a bottle of water, milk, Coke, and Orange Juice. You looked at him in disbelief, "That's it?"

Bitters nodded, placing the drinks next to 2 cups, "I don't wanna get diabetes, you know."

You laughed, understanding and poured some milk in your cup while Bitters opened the Doritos bag. You grabbed the Hot Cheeto Puffcorns and sighed in delight. The spicy smell emitted from the bag as you opened it.

Bitters held out his cup towards you, "Lazy day?"

You grinned, holding up your cup as well, "Lazy day."

You put your cups down and kissed, holding each other's faces gently and trying to get closer.

Lazy days are the best days.

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