Chapter 2

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Kyle and Will walk outside and meet Janet and Hannah out there. Janet walks up to Kyle and gives him a hug.

"Glad you guys can make it," says Hannah walking up to Will.

"Me too," says Will smiling.

She smiles back and hugs him.

"So where are we going?" Asks Kyle.

"I thought maybe we can go to Paris for the day," says Hannah.

"That sounds romantic," says Janet looking at Kyle.

"Lets go then," says Will.

They all join hands and Hannah teleports them on the streets of Paris.

Will looks around. He sees diners everywhere. People walking along the sidewalk and all kinds of flowers.

"The Eiffel Tower isn't that far from here we can walk," says Hannah.

They start walking along the sidewalk to the Eiffel Tower.

"Have you been liking the X-men so far?" Asks Hannah.

"It's been really different than I'm used to but yes, I like it a lot," Will answers.

"Yeah I remember the first time I came to the X-men," she says.

"You have actually never told me the story," Will says, "So how did you come to the X-men?"

"Well, I was born with my powers. I started teleporting everywhere when I was little. Then when I was six I became invisible and didn't know how to become visible. I was like that for a whole month and my parents spent that whole time freaking out looks for me when I was there the whole time," she says.

"Oh wow that's crazy," says Will. "At least you didn't go to juvenile."

She laughs at Wills comment.

"So when I did become Visible, the professor came to the house and my parents agreed to would be best for me to live at the mansion with my condition," she says.

"At least it turned out good," says Will smiling and grabbing her hand.

"It did," she says smiling back.

"Here we are," says Janet.

They walk up and go up into the the Eiffel Tower. They always around for around then go to the top level and look at the view.

"Wow this is amazing," says Janet.

"It is isn't it," says Kyle putting his arm around James shoulder.

Will looks at the view. He sees the whole city of Paris and how the lights gleam everywhere. While he looks around at the amazing view he sees a small flash.

"Did you guys see that?" Asks Will.

"See what?" Replied Janet.

"I saw a flash or something," says Will.

Then it appears again right in front of them pushing Will into the ground. Mike stands there.

"Mike! What the hell are you doing!" Asks Hannah with an exclaim.

"The party's over. Time to get back to the mansion," he replies.

Will stands to his feet brushing the dirt of his shirt. He punches Mike in the stomach and he goes backwards almost falling from the railing.

"Will stop!" Exclaims Hannah.

Mike uses his speed to run into Will causing him to hit the wall behind him. He puts one hand to Will's throat and pulls his arm back getting ready to punch.

"You will regret that Will," says Mike about to punch Will.

All the sudden Mike freezes and stays there still. He puts his arm down and releases Will's throat. Will looks over and sees Kyle extending his arm out to Mike. Kyle puts his arm doing and Mike goes back to the way he was out of Kyle's telepathy.

"What is wrong with you?" Kyle asks Mike.

"Chill out Kyle, just having some fun," he says.

"We don't want any trouble we were just trying to enjoy a double date," says Kyle.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry," says Mike with a sarcastic smirk.

Will glares at Mike.

"Get lost," says Will.

"Go to hell," says Mike as he sprints of.

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